This was the first toolbox published by Testo. It is an OLE automation server which supports the following features:
- Set up connection to instrument
- Read out current readings (online measurement)
- Save identifier (sites)
- Read out saved readings (protocols)
Supported device strings are testo171, testo174, testo174-2010, testo174-2024, testo175-176-2010, testo175-177, testo400-650-950, testo435-635-735, testo445-645-945-946-545, testo350-454, Hygrotest600-650, RS485-Units, testo454, testo521-526, testo580, testo845
Please install testo USB driver from first.
Install toolbox via setup.exe
After the installation process you will find under C:\program files (x86)\common files\testo the files hhtcde.chm and tcddkuge.pdf for your support and programming examples.