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Tesselate - Tesselo's Python SDK

Copyright © 2018 Tesselo, all rights reserved.

Tesselate is a wrapper for human friendly interaction with Tesselo's API.

The endpoints are represented by functions that all have similar base functionality. Data can be read, written and updated in a standardized way.

Several long running tasks can be scheduled with function calls. The available triggers are listed below. All trigger functions prompt the user for confirmation.

Layers can be aggregated through the api or exported to local files for further analysis.

General usage of api endpoints

This section describes the current general functionality of the api wrapper. Each api endpoint is represented by one function.

Generally, the endpoint functions simply pass on the input keyword arguments as query arguments. To consult what query arguments are allowed, visit the browseable api and look at the filter section.

A few exceptions to the general rule are:

  • id This keyword is interpreted as the ID or primary key of the objects. It should be used to get individual objects and to create or update them.
  • data This keyword is a dictionary with data for the endpoint. If a id argument is provided or if the data dictionary contains an id key, the data is used to update the corresponding object. Otherwise a new one is created.
  • search Some endpoints allow filtering by loose text search with this keyword.
  • permission This will trigger permissions changes. See section below for details.

List of supported endpoints

Function Endpoint Description
region /aggregationlayer Aggregationlayers serve as regions
area /aggregationarea Individual aggregation areas
composite /composite Composite layers
compositebuild /compositebuild Composite build objects to track builds
scene /sentineltile Individual sentinel scenes
formula /formula Formulas for algebra rendering and aggregation
trainingsample /trainingsample A single training sample polygon
traininglayer /traininglayer A group of training sample polygons
classifier /classifier Classifier to train against trainingsamples
predictedlayer /predictedlayer A layer to predict on with classifier

List of addtional functions

The following is a list of action endpoints, in additon to the data model api endpoints. These functions are described in more detail below.

Function Purpose
export Export algebra expressions or RGB to local files
aggregate Call aggregation endpoint
build Build a composite
train Train a classifier
predict Predict over a scene or composite using a classifier
regional_aggregate Compute regional aggregates
z_scores_grouping Helper to create z-scores breaks valuecount dictionary
ingest Ingest a shapefile as training data
pixel_from_coords Get pixel value for coordinate

Instantiate Tesselate and authenticate

Tesselate will authenticate using the auth token from the environment if the TESSELO_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable is set when instantiating a new instance.

Alternatively, set the token manually or authenticate using your username and password credentials as follows.

from tesselate import Tesselate

# With TESSELO_ACCESS_TOKEN in the environment Tesselate is ready to go without
# authentication.
ts = Tesselate()

# Set the token manually.

# Authenticate with your credentials (will set token internally).
ts.client.authenticate('lucille_bluth', 'shawnparmegian')

Retrieve data

Get a list of composites or scenes as JSON dictionaries as follows

# List monthly composites between two dates.
ts.composite(min_date_after='2017-03-01', min_date_before='2018-03-31', interval='Monthly')
# List scenes for a location between two dates.
ts.scene(coords='3991669.5,1278364.1', collected_after='2017-11-30', collected_before='2018-12-02')

Write data

To create new objects, call the endpoint with a dictionary containging the data for the new object in the data keyword. For example, create a new formula as follows

formula_data = {
     'name': 'Natural Difference Vegetation Index',
     'acronym': 'NDVI',
     'description': 'Index for vegetation density.',
     'formula': '(B8 - B4) / (B8 + B4)',
     'min_val': -1.0,
     'max_val': 1.0,
     'breaks': 0,
     'color_palette': 'RdYlGn',
# This will create a new object and return it (including the new id).

To update an existing object, pass the primary key as id key in the dictionary. Tesselate will detect the primary key and update the corresponding object. For example, update the description of a formula with primary key 23 as follows

formula_update = {
    'id': 23,
    'description': 'This index is a proxy for vegetation density.',
# This will update the description of the formula with id 23.

Delete data

To remove entries entirely, pass the delete and id keywords to the endpoint. The following will delete the formula with the primary key 23

ts.formula(id=23, delete=True)

The delete method will ask for user confirmation by default. To force deletion without user input (for use in scripts for instance), pass force=True to the function. The following example will delete the object with primary key 23 without asking for user confirmation

ts.formula(id=23, delete=True, force=True)

Update permissions

Permissions can be managed by adding three keywords together: action, invite, and either user or group.

  • The action keyword is either invite or exclude and controls what action to take.
  • The permission keyword either view, change, or delete and specifies what permission to set.
  • The user or group keywords are ID values for a user or a group that represent is the invitee of the permission to change.

The following examples show a few use cases to manage permissions on a formula.

# Get a formula.
ndvi = ts.formula(search='NDVI')[0]

# Assume user and group IDs.
lucille = 23
bluths = 5

# Invite lucille to change the formula.
ts.formula(id=ndvi['id'], action='invite', permission='change', user=lucille)

# Invite all bluths to view the formula.
ts.formula(id=ndvi['id'], action='invite', permission='view', group=bluths)

# Make sure the bluths can not delete the formula.
ts.formula(id=form['id'], action='exclude', permission='delete', group=bluths)

Build Composites

To build a compoiste, create a compositebuild object and trigger the build by passing the compositebuild object to the build function.

# Create a new composite build object.
composite = ts.composite(min_date_after='2017-03-01', min_date_before='2018-03-31', interval='Monthly')[0]

region = ts.region(search='Orange County')

compositebuild = ts.compositebuild(data={
  composite: composite['id'],
  aggregationlayer: region['id'],

# Trigger the composite build (will require user confirmation).

Train and run classifiers

To run a classifier, first some training data has to be ingested and assigned to a classifier object. With the training data, the classifier can be trained and then applied to a predicted layer object. These steps are outlined below.

Ingest training data

Training data polygons can be ingested using an utility function. The training data needs to be provided as a polygon shapefile layer. The function has the following required arguments:

  • traininglayer: The training layer to which to add the training samples.
  • image: The training data is assumed to be "drawn" over a scene or a composite. So either a scene or a composite is required.
  • shapefile: An absoulte path to a shapefile.
  • class_column: The name of the column in the attribute table that contains the training class. Either an integer or a string column.
  • valuemap: A dictionary with class names as keys and class values as integers. If integers are found in the class_column, the dict will be used to extract class names and vice versa.

Optinally, a date_column input can be specified to ingest training samples with a date stamp attached to it. The date column should either be a text column with a YYYY-MM-DD structure, or a proper date column.

All other feature attributes will automatically be stored in the attributes field on the api side.

There is one optional argument to reset the current set of training samples. If reset=True is passed as an argument, all current training samples in the layer will be permanently deleted.

The ingest function can be called as follows. A user confirmation will be requested before deleting or writing data.

# Get a training layer.
traininglayer = ts.traininglayer(search='Landcover')[0]
# Get the composite over which the training was "drawn". This could also be a
# scene, both are accepted.
composite = ts.composite(min_date_after='2017-03-01', min_date_before='2018-03-31')[0]
# Set path, column name and valuemap.
shp_path = '/path/to/shapefile.shp'
class_column = 'high_or_low'
valuemap = {'high': 1, 'low': 2}
# Upload training samples, deleting the current set of training samples.
response = ts.ingest(traininglayer, scene, shp_path, 'name', valuemap, reset=True)

Train a Classifier

To train a classifier, a training layer has to be assigned to it. This can happen upon creation, or the training layer can be assigned or updated classifier after creation

# Get a classifier.
classifier = ts.classifier(search='Landcover')[0]
# Assign a training layer to it (optional if the classifier already has an
# traininglayer assigned to it).
traininglayer = ts.traininlayer(search='Landcover training data')[0]
ts.classifier(id=classifier['id'], data={'traininglayer': traininglayer['id']})
# Trigger training of the classifier.

Predict a layer

# Get a predicted layer (contains info about area and classifier to use).
predictedlayer = ts.predictedlayer()[0]
# Trigger prediction of the layer.

Export data

A layer can be exported in one line. The input is a composite or a scene and a formula to evaluate against the data layer. A region also needs to be specified to define over which area to export, and a path to a file that will be newly created or overwritten by the export function. The zoom level at which to run the export can be specified with the optional tilez argument. The default zoom level is 14.

The region input can either be an aggregationlayer region, or a single aggregationarea polygon from the region. In the case of the aggregationlayer input, the extent of the entire layer will be used as export target.

If the target path is not provided, the function will return a numpy array.

The export function has an argument clip_to_geom, if it is set to True, the target raster is clipped against the region geometry.

The rasterization mode can be set using the all_touched option.

The following example exports NDVI of a march composite over Ethiopia.

# Get a formula.
formula = ts.formula(search='NDVI')[0]
# Get a scene or a composite for export.
composite = ts.composite(min_date_after='2017-03-01', min_date_before='2018-03-31')[0]
# Get region over which to export.
region = ts.region(search='Ethiopia')[0]
# Specify the local path for the target file.
target = '/path/to/newfile.tif'
# Specify the export zoom level (default is 14).
zoom = 8
# Export the data of the formula result evaluated on the composite over the region.
ts.export(region, composite, formula, target, zoom)
# Get the data as numpy array.
target = None
result = ts.export(region, composite, formula, target, zoom)
# Clip the raster against the input area geometry, where all touched pixels are
# included in the rasterization.
clip_to_geom = True
result = ts.export(region, composite, formula, target, zoom, clip_to_geom, all_touched=True)


The aggregation api can be called by passing a composite or scene, a formula and an aggregation area to the aggregation function.

Three optional arguments are available: grouping, which determines the grouping parameter, zoom which determines the zoom level at which the aggregation shall be computed, and synchronous which determines if the aggregation is requested in synchronous or asynchronous mode. Defaults to True.

Note that if the aggregation values have not been already precomputed, the computation is requested. In an asynchronous request, the aggregation value has to be requested a second time after the initial request to get the result. The status of the object will determine if the aggregation value has been precomputed successfully.

The following creates a list of aggregation values with one entry for each aggregation area in a region.

formula = ts.formula(search='NDVI')[0]
# Get a scene or a composite for export.
composite = ts.composite(min_date_after='2017-03-01', min_date_before='2018-03-31')[0]
# Get region over which to export.
region = ts.region(search='Ethiopia')[0]
# Loop through aggregation areas in region.
aggregates = []
for area_id in region['aggregationareas']:
    # Get aggregation area.
    area = ts.area(area_id)
    # Compute aggregate (triggers async computation if not precomputed).
    agg = ts.aggregate(area, composite, ndvi)

Regional aggregates

In some cases, comparing aggregates over regions might be desireable. Tesselate allows computing regional aggregates. The value count result endpoint returns the necessary internal statistics to compute "averages over averages" in a mathematically exact way.

To get the regional statistics over a list of valuecount results (as obtained in the example above), use the regional aggregate function as follows

# The regional aggregate function takes a list of value count results and
# returns the regional statistics.
>>> regional_aggregate = ts.regional_aggregate(aggregates)
>>> print(regional_aggregate)
  "min": 0.599244875943905,
  "std": 0.017285077465624056,
  "mean": 0.8746274871261831,
  "max": 0.926344086021505

Z-Scores based on regional aggregates

The regional aggregates can be used to create grouping parameters that compute z-score values based on the average and standard deviation of the regional aggregates.

Tesselate has a function to create the grouping parameter needed to request z-scores through the aggregation endpoint. The following example uses the data from the snippets above to request regional z-score value counts.

# Get grouping parameter.
z_scores = ts.z_scores_grouping(regional_aggregate['mean'], regional_aggregate['std'])

# Re-compute aggregates using the z-score breaks.
z_aggregates = []
for area_id in region['aggregationareas']:
    area = ts.area(area_id)
    z_aggregates.append(ts.aggregate(area, composite, ndvi, z_scores))

Get pixel values from predicted layers

For validation with single coordinate points, pixel values from predicted layers can be extracted. The coordinates are expected to be provided in the web mercator projection (SRID 3857).

# Get predictedlayer.
predictedlayer = ts.predictedlayer(id=23)
# Set coordinates as tuple.
coordinates = (1044866, 5851251)
# Get pixel value at this coordinate for the selected predictedlayer.
pixel_from_coords(predictedlayer, coordinates)


Tesselate uses the default python logger. Logging can be set to either DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, or ERROR. The first is the most verbose, and the last the least verbose setting. Defaults to INFO. The following example sets the log level to DEBUG.

import logging


To run the test, install mock with pip install mock and run tests with

python -m unittest discover

To see test coverage, install coverage with pip install coverage and get coverage with

coverage run -m unittest discover
coverage report -m --include=tesselate/*


To release, do the following steps:

  • Run tests.
  • Update version in tesselate/ file.
  • Document main changes in CHANGELOG.
  • Push to GitHub.
  • Release on GitHub under new version tag.