Find out more about your astrological sign and its signification using this Python web app built with Streamlit.
This project calculates a user's astrological sign based on their birthdate and displays a relevant description of it. It was made for a university project at HEC Paris.
This section is for users who have Python and pip already installed and who wish to run the app locally.
Open your terminal an run the following bash command:
Use git clone
Then, navigate to the directory: cd astrological-sign-app.
Depending on what you use locally (conda, venv, virtualenv).
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run
This will open your default browser with a webpage, asking you for your name and birthday. Then, by clicking on 'Calculate my sign', you will get information about your astrological sign and its signification.
To stop the Streamlit app, return to the terminal and press Ctrl + C
If you don't want to deal with dependency management, you can use Docker to run the app in an isolated environment.
Open your terminal an run the following bash command:
Use git clone
Then, navigate to the directory: cd astrological-sign-app.
Check if it is installed by running docker --version
in your terminal.
If it is not installed, you can install it on your desktop here and follow the instructions.
docker build -t astrological-sign-app .
docker run -p 8501:8501 astrological-sign-app
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8501.