Goomba is a GameBoy emulator written in Rust.
Try it at!
Goomba can run natively on desktop platforms and inside the browser.
You can run Goomba natively using the cargo run
It expects you to specify the path to a ROM (.gb
) file:
$ cargo run --release -- roms/
This opens a window showing the GameBoy display.

Controls are:
Joypad Button | Keyboard Key |
Up | Arrow Up |
Down | Arrow Down |
Left | Arrow Left |
Right | Arrow Right |
A | x |
B | z |
Start | Enter |
Select | Backspace |
Upon quitting the emulator, a dialog opens that allows you to save the current cartridge RAM.
Saving the RAM is necessary to be able to continue playing from in-game save points.
To do so, specify the .gb-ram
file as an additional argument to the cargo run
$ cargo run --release -- roms/ --ram-path roms/
You can also save a snapshot of the game by pressing ctrl-s
This opens a dialog that lets you save a .gb-save
file, which can be used to later load the same game state again:
$ cargo run --release -- roms/
Note that .gb-save
files are generally not compatible across different code versions.
To run Goomba in the browser, you need to first install the web bundler trunk. Then run it to serve Goomba locally:
$ trunk serve --release web/index.html
2023-05-21T14:03:06.846895Z INFO ✅ success
2023-05-21T14:03:06.847740Z INFO 📡 serving static assets at -> /
2023-05-21T14:03:06.847797Z INFO 📡 server listening at
At you are now presented with Goomba's web UI.

Use the leftmost menu button to load a ROM to play. The keyboard controls are the same as for desktop. On mobile devices that don't have a keyboard, you can control the game using the joypad instead.
You can save the cartridge RAM using the "save" button in the menu.
The resulting .gb-ram
file can be provided when you next load the game through the "load" button.
Be sure the select both the .gb
and the .gb-ram
file in the file dialog.
- Audio emulation
- GameBoy Color support