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Terri Porter authored and Terri Porter committed Oct 12, 2021
1 parent 3f4cea1 commit 9ce1bb3
Showing 1 changed file with 13 additions and 183 deletions.
196 changes: 13 additions & 183 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,9 @@


The fungal UNITE ITS reference set has been reformatted here to work with the RDP classifier. The current stand-alone version of the RDP classifier v2.13 is available from . Though the bacterial database has been updated, it is still using a 2014 version of the UNITE ITS reference database. Here is the method I used to convert the QIIME-formatted UNITE files for use with the stand-alone version of the RDP classifier. It has only been tested on the QIIME formatted UNITE release v8.2 available from . It is currently trained to the species-hypothesis level. I have also added the same microsporidian outgroup sequences from the 2014 UNITE reference set availabe from sourceforge at . I also added plant outgroup sequences from PLANiTS available from Suggested bootstrap support cutoffs to ensure 80% correct taxonomic assignments are shown below under Releases.
The fungal UNITE ITS reference set has been reformatted here to work with the RDP classifier. The current stand-alone version of the RDP classifier v2.13 is available from . Though the bacterial database has been updated, it is still using a 2014 version of the UNITE ITS reference database. The RDP classifier was trained using the UNITE + INSD full dataset for eukaryotes release v8.3 available from . It is currently trained to the species-hypothesis level. Suggested bootstrap support cutoffs to ensure 80% correct taxonomic assignments are shown below under Releases.

The UNITE v8.2 training files and trained files ready for use with the RDP classifier are available at .

This method is Perl-based. If you prefer a python-based solution check here: .
The UNITE v8.3 training files (for reference) and trained files (ready for use with the RDP classifier) are available at .

## Overview

Expand All @@ -28,10 +26,10 @@ unzip rdp_classifier_2.13
# record path to classifier.jar ex. /path/to/rdp_classifier_2.13/dist/classifier.jar
############ Get the latest RDP-formatted UNITE training set
# decompress it
tar -xzf UNITEv8.2.tar.gz
tar -xzf UNITEv8.3.tar.gz
# record the path to the file ex. /path/to/mydata_trained/
Expand All @@ -47,184 +45,18 @@ java -Xmx8g -jar /path/to/rdp_classifier_2.13/classifier.jar -t /path/to/mydata_
You can cite this repository directly:
UNITE ITS Classifier, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4741474

Also, please cite the UNITE reference database:
Kõljalg, U., Abarenkov, K., Nilsson, R. H., Larsson, K.-H., & Taylor, A. F. S. (2019). The UNITE Database for Molecular Identification and for Communicating Fungal Species. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 3, e37402. doi: 10.3897/biss.3.37402

## How this dataset was prepared

**The following steps are only needed if you are interested in the steps I took to reform QIIME formatted files for use with the RDP classifier. You can also check under the [Releases](#Releases) section to see what bootstrap support cutoffs are ideal given your average query length.**

### Get UNITE data and prepare it

1. Obtain QIIME-formatted UNITE files v8.2 from


2. Decompress

tar -xvzf 98AE96C6593FC9C52D1C46B96C2D9064291F4DBA625EF189FEC1CCAFCF4A1691.gz

3. Enter new directory

cd sh_qiime_release_04.02.2020

4. I found an odd character in this reference set that should be corrected. In the sh_taxonomy_qiime_ver8_dynamic_04.02.2020.txt taxonomy file, change the superscript x(?) character to a regular 'x' in the species field. The lineage for SH1644897.08FU_KC881085_refs should look like this: k__Fungi;p__Ascomycota;c__Sordariomycetes;o__Hypocreales;f__Clavicipitaceae;g__Neotyphodium;s__Neotyphodium_xsiegelii

5. Dereplicate the sequences (to avoid overestimating accuracy during RDP classifier leave one out testing). In this example, I am working with the dynamic sequence clusters (ranges from 0.5 - 3% divergence) that also contain singletons from the UNITE ITS database. The outfile contains only the unique sequences in unite_dynamic.fasta.

# vsearch v2.14.1
vsearch --derep_fulllength sh_refs_qiime_ver8_dynamic_04.02.2020.fasta --output unite_dynamic.fasta

6. Check if there are any non-fungal outgroups (running this step is optional). I grab the kingdom field of the taxonomic lineage to see if there are any non-fungal groups present. I did not find any non-fungal groups using this method, so no there doesn't appear to be any non-fungal outgroups present in this version of the database.

awk 'BEGIN {FS =" "}{print $2}' sh_taxonomy_qiime_ver8_dynamic_04.02.2020.txt | awk 'BEGIN{FS=";"}{print $1}' | sort -u

7. Convert the fasta file from VSEARCH into a strictly-formatted FASTA file (one header line, followed by one sequence line, no sequence wrapping accross multiple lines).

perl messedup_fasta_to_strict_fasta.plx < unite_dynamic.fasta > unite_dynamic.fasta.strict 

### Get outgroup data and add it to the most recent UNITE data

1. Obtain the 2014 UNITE reference set that is currently used with the RDP classifier from and unzip it and enter the directory.

2. Check for the non-fungal sequences and put them in their own file.

# the file contains Fungi and Protozoa
grep ">" UNITE.RDP_04.07.14.rmdup.fasta | awk 'BEGIN {FS =" "}{print $2}' | awk 'BEGIN{FS=";"}{print $2}' | sort -u
# grab just the Protozoa (microsporidian) sequences
grep -A1 Protozoa UNITE.RDP_04.07.14.rmdup.fasta > nonfungi.fasta  
# remove record breaks
vi -c '1,$s/^--$//g' -c 'wq' nonfungi.fasta
# remove empty lines
vi -c 'g/^$/d' -c 'wq' nonfungi.fasta

3. Create a QIIME-formatted sequence file.

perl strip_lineage_from_fasta.plx < nonfungi.fasta > nonfungi.fasta2

4. Create a QIIME-formatted taxonomy file.

perl create_qiime_taxonomy.plx < nonfungi.fasta >

5. Add outgroup sequences and taxonomy from UNITE v8.2 and outgroups together.

# add outgroup sequences to the UNITE v8.2 reference set
cat unite_dynamic.fasta.strict fungalits_UNITE_trainingdata_07042014/nonfungi.fasta2 > unite_outgroup.fasta
# add outgroup taxonomy to the UNITE v8.2 taxonomy set
cat sh_taxonomy_qiime_ver8_dynamic_04.02.2020.txt fungalits_UNITE_trainingdata_07042014/ > unite_outgroup.txt

6. The combined taxonomy file needs to be edited to resolve the taxonomic placement of non-unique taxa. I.e., when the same genus name is found in two different families. The NCBI taxonomy database was used to set the taxonomic lineage for such non-unique taxa.

vi -c '1,$s/f__Tremellaceae;g__Cryptococcus;/f__Cryptococcaceae;g__Cryptococcus;/' -c 'wq' unite_outgroup.txt
vi -c '1,$s/f__Helotiaceae;g__Cenangiopsis;/f__Cenangiaceae;g__Cenangiopsis;/' -c 'wq' unite_outgroup.txt
vi -c '1,$s/f__Pezizaceae;g__Aleurina;/f__Pyronemataceae;g__Aleurina;/' -c 'wq' unite_outgroup.txt
vi -c '1,$s/f__Trematosphaeriaceae;g__Brevicollum;/f__Neohendersoniaceae;g__Brevicollum;/' -c 'wq' unite_outgroup.txt
vi -c '1,$s/f__unidentified;g__Brevicollum;/f__Neohendersoniaceae;g__Brevicollum;/' -c 'wq' unite_outgroup.txt
vi -c '1,$s/f__Nectriaceae;g__Cylindrium;/f__Hypocreales_fam_Incertae_sedis;g__Cylindrium;/' -c 'wq' unite_outgroup.txt

7. Obtain plant ITS sequences from PLANiTS from , decompress it, and enter the directory.

8. Dereplicate the plant ITS sequences.

# vsearch v2.14.1
vsearch --derep_fulllength PLANiTS_ITS.fasta --output PLANiTS_ITS.fasta.derep

9. Cluster the QIIME formatted plant ITS sequences so reduce the dataset and grab a few representative sequences to use as an outgroup.

vsearch --cluster_fast PLANiTS_ITS.fasta.derep --centroids PLANiTS_ITS.fasta.derep.centroids --id 0.50

10. Convert the vsearch output to a strict FASTA format.

perl messedup_fasta_to_strict_fasta.plx < PLANiTS_ITS.fasta.derep.centroids > PLANiTS_ITS.fasta.derep.centroids.fasta

11. Reformat the QIIME formatted plant ITS taxonomy for use with the RDP classifier.

perl grab_tax_for_each_acc.plx PLANiTS_ITS.fasta.derep.centroids.fasta PLANiTS_ITS_taxonomy

12. Combine the UNITE+microsporidian outgroup sequencs with the plant sequencs.

cat unite_outgroup.fasta PLANiTS_ITS.fasta.derep.centroids.fasta > unite_PLANiTS_outgroups.fasta

13. Combine the UNITE+microsporidian outgroup taxonomy with the plant taxonomy.
Also, please cite the UNITE + INSD dataset for eukaryotes:
Abarenkov, Kessy; Zirk, Allan; Piirmann, Timo; Pöhönen, Raivo; Ivanov, Filipp; Nilsson, R. Henrik; Kõljalg, Urmas (2021): Full UNITE+INSD dataset for eukaryotes. Version 10.05.2021. UNITE Community.

cat unite_outgroup.txt PLANiTS_ITS_taxonomy2 > unite_PLANiTS_outgroups.txt

14. Now we can convert the QIIME-formatted sequence and taxonomy files to the format needed for the RDP classifier. This script handles unidentified taxa, ex. if the genus is labelled 'g_unidentified', the family name 'f__Cystostereaceae' will be added as a prefix, the result is the genus name 'f__Cystostereaceae_g__unidentified'. This can lead to very long strings of concatenated taxon names, but this was done to ensure the taxonomy is strictly hierarchical. This creates two outfiles: 1) a sequence file called mytrainseq.fasta and 2) a taxonomy file called mytaxon.txt .

perl qiime_unite_to_rdp2.plx unite_PLANiTS_outgroups.fasta unite_PLANiTS_outgroups.txt

### Train and test the RDP Classifier

1. Now you can train the RDP classifier.

# rdp_classifier_v2.13
java -Xmx25g -jar /path/to/rdp_classifier_2.13/dist/classifier.jar train -o mytrained -s mytrainseq.fasta -t mytaxon.txt

2. Add the rRNA properties file (taken from rdp_classifier_v2.13) (not optional). I like to edit this file to reflect the currently used RDP classifier version and date (optional).

cd mytrained
cp /path/to/rdp_classifier_2.13/src/data/classifier/16srrna/ . 
cd ..

3. Now you can test the classifier with a small 10-sequence set.
## Releases

head -20 unite_dynamic.fasta.strict > test.fasta
java -Xmx25g -jar /path/to/rdp_classifier_2.13/dist/classifier.jar classify -t mytrained/ -o test_classified.txt test.fasta
### v2

4. Now you can assess the accuracy of the classifier for different query sequence lengths at various bootstrap support cutoffs. This step is slow and memory intensive, especially towards the end. May need to adjust the memory used for this step, i.e., -Xmx25g .
This version is based on the UNITE + INSD full dataset for eukaryotes available from (Oct, 2021). This set contains 1,393,203 unique sequences that represent 376,167 taxa (all ranks) including 352,588 species hypotheses (SHs). This set mainly represents 157,731 unique fungal SHs; 106,154 unique plant SHs; 68,297 eukaryote 'incertae sedis' SHs; and 10,700 unique metazoan SHs.

# leave one sequence out analysis
java -Xmx25g -jar /path/to/rdp_classifier_2.13/dist/classifier.jar loot -q mytrainseq.fasta -s mytrainseq.fasta -t mytaxon.txt -l 200 -o test_200_loso_test.txt
Sequences were dereplicated to avoid inflating accuracy during leave one sequence out testing. Some taxon names were edited to manage unidentified and non-unique taxa to ensure a strictly hierarchical taxonomy. This dataset is meant to be used to identify fungi, but since it contains many other eukaryote sequences from the INSD, may be suitable for taxonomically assigning other taxa as well. Users can browse the taxonomy used in the training files to ensure expected taxa are present in the reference set.

## Releases
The leave one sequence out testing used to determine bootstrap support cutoffs are currently a work in progress...

### v1.1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,12 +84,10 @@ The v1 release can be downloaded from

# References

Abarenkov, Kessy; Zirk, Allan; Piirmann, Timo; Pöhönen, Raivo; Ivanov, Filipp; Nilsson, R. Henrik; Kõljalg, Urmas (2020): UNITE QIIME release for Fungi. Version 04.02.2020. UNITE Community.

Banchi, E.; Ametrano, C.G.; Greco, S.; Stanković, D.; Muggia, L.; Pallavicini, A. PLANiTS: a curated sequence reference dataset for plant ITS DNA metabarcoding. Database 2020, 2020.
Abarenkov, Kessy; Zirk, Allan; Piirmann, Timo; Pöhönen, Raivo; Ivanov, Filipp; Nilsson, R. Henrik; Kõljalg, Urmas (2021): Full UNITE+INSD dataset for eukaryotes. Version 10.05.2021. UNITE Community.

Nilsson RH, Larsson K-H, Taylor AFS, Bengtsson-Palme J, Jeppesen TS, Schigel D, Kennedy P, Picard K, Glöckner FO, Tedersoo L, Saar I, Kõljalg U, Abarenkov K. 2018. The UNITE database for molecular identification of fungi: handling dark taxa and parallel taxonomic classifications. Nucleic Acids Research, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gky1022

Wang, Q., Garrity, G. M., Tiedje, J. M., & Cole, J. R. (2007). Naive Bayesian Classifier for Rapid Assignment of rRNA Sequences into the New Bacterial Taxonomy. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73(16), 5261–5267. Available from

Last updated: May 6, 2021
Last updated: Oct. 12, 2021

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