Releases: terrimporter/SCVUIU_ITS_metabarcode_pipeline
SCVUIU v3.0.2
New update to activate Zenodo DOI.
SCVUIU v3.0.1
This version of the pipeline uses --search_exact instead of --usearch_global with --id 1.0 because search_exact is faster and optimized for making exact matches.
SCVUIU v3.0.0
Updates the conda environment to myenv.3 .
Uses VSEARCH v2.14.1 to create dereplicate reads, produce denosised ESVs (instead of USEARCH), remove chimeric sequences, and create the ESV x sample table.
SCVUIU v2.1.2
Removed threads parameter from VSEARCH dereplication step because it's not supported.
SCVUIU v2.1.0
Fixes a bug leading to an incorrect number of reads in the ESV table that was first introduced with SCVUIU v2.
Cleans up summary of statistical output.
Updates CUTADAPT 2.4 to 2.5
Updates VSEARCH 2.13.6 to 2.14.1
SCVUIU v2.0.4
Update USEARCH log file.
SCVUIU v2.0.3
Update snakefile_alt_2 sed pattern
SCVUIU v2.0.2
Updated snakefile_alt_2 RDP g variable
SCVUC v2.0.1
Updated the snakemake_alt_2 file
This is a major update that provides a conda environment and snakemake file to run the ITS metabarcode pipeline.