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Terri Porter authored and Terri Porter committed Oct 9, 2019
1 parent aed1c3f commit 4fc596d
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Teresita M. Porter, July, 8, 2019
# Teresita M. Porter, Oct. 9, 2019

Expand All @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ library(reshape2)
# to calculate venn counts
library(ggforce) # to draw circles with ggplot

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,12 +59,15 @@ edit_cores<-function(list, x){


# read infile
#read infile prepared by python script
master<-read.table(file="LV2016_2.csv", head=TRUE, sep=",")

# Select phylum Arthropoda only (use this to get overall richness across all expts)

# OTU matrix for 1C1E experiment (n=8 x 3 layers)

# Create matrices for Fig 1A, bioinformatic pooling 1-15 cores
# OTU matrix for 1C3E experiment ( n=36 x 3 layers)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,7 +336,8 @@ set.seed(1234)
##### Rarefy the dataset down to the 15th percentile

# Rarefy original ILC matrices down to 15th percentile library size to normalize read depth across samples
### Only do this for OTUs becaue too much missing data for genus and family ranks ###
#Rarefy original ILC matrices down to 15th percentile library size to normalize read depth across samples
# sites in rows, OTUs in columns, reads in cells
Expand All @@ -358,7 +362,7 @@ NZC_F_df<-rrarefy(NZC_F_notnull2,sample=NZC_F_15percentile)

# Plot richness for 1C3E bioinformatically pooled cores
# Plot richness for 1C3E bioinformatically pooled cores (not accumulation curves)

# do specnum for each site and layer separately
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,7 +442,8 @@ p1<-ggplot(summary_bio, aes(x=cores, y=richness, fill=layer)) +
legend.position = "none")

##### Calculate richness for 1C3E & XC3E, increasing number manually pooled samples
##### Calculate species accumulation for 1C3E & XC3E
# pooled cores vs OTU richness

# do specnum for each site and layer separately
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -683,7 +688,8 @@ p2<-ggplot(summary_num, aes(x=cores, y=richness, fill=layer)) +
legend.position = "none")

##### Calculate richness for 1C1E and 1C3E, one vs three pooled DNA extractions
##### Calculate species accumulation for 1C1E and 1C3E
# Extractions vs Richness

# do specnum for each site, layer, and extraction separately
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -838,52 +844,27 @@ lay<-rbind(c(1),

g<-grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, layout_matrix=lay)

ggsave("Fig1_richness_ESV.pdf", g, width=8, height=10, units="in")
ggsave("F2_richness_ESV.pdf", g, width=8, height=10, units="in")

# Check for normality with Shapiro-Wilk’s test, sig result means not normal
# W = 0.95139, p-value = 0.001545
# W = 0.94999, p-value = 0.001259

#visual inspection, sometimes small sample sizes can pass normality tests

# Use Kruskal-Wallis test to check for any significant differences among extractions
kruskal.test(richness ~ extractions, data = new)
# Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 0.41817, df = 1, p-value = 0.5179

# Use multiple pairwise-comparison bewteen groups to check for specific diffs across cores just in case
# p.adjust method Benjamini & Hochberg (1995)
pairwise.wilcox.test(new$richness, new$extractions,
p.adjust.method = "BH")
# n/s p-value = 0.47

# Figure out how many single cores would need to be sampled to match results from largest class of pooled cores
# p2, summary_num, pool data across sites and layers, get median richness
# 171.5
# p1, summary_acc, pool data across sites and layer, get median richness
# 156

# Use multiple pairwise-comparison bewteen groups to check for specific diffs betwee 9-15 pooled or single
# p.adjust method Benjamini & Hochberg (1995)

# create df for test
pooled915 <- summary_num[grepl("9_15", summary_num$cores),]
pooled915$sample <- "NotApplicable"
single <- summary_bio[grepl("1$", summary_bio$cores),]
single$extractions <- "3"
combined <- rbind(pooled915, single)

# Check for normality with Shapiro-Wilk’s test, sig result means not normal
# W = 0.94287, p-value = 0.02292

#visual inspection, sometimes small sample sizes can pass normality tests

pairwise.wilcox.test(combined$richness, combined$cores,
p.adjust.method = "BH")
# p-value = 0.73 n/s
# n/s

### Create venn diagrams from rarefied data
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -925,6 +906,7 @@ df.ILC.venncounts <-[-1,] %>%
y = c(-0.8, 1.2, 0, 1.2, 0, 1.4, 0.4))

# draw venn with ggplot

ILCrichness <- paste("Island Lake ESVs =",

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -968,6 +950,7 @@ df.NZC.venncounts <-[-1,] %>%
y = c(-0.8, 1.2, 0, 1.2, 0, 1.4, 0.4))

# draw venn with ggplot

NZCrichness <- paste("Nimitz ESVs =",

Expand All @@ -989,4 +972,93 @@ lay <- rbind(c(1,2),

g <- grid.arrange(v1, v2, layout_matrix = lay)

ggsave("FigS5_Venn.pdf", g)
ggsave("FigS4_Venn.pdf", g)

### Calc greatest richness detected including up to 15 individually collected cores versus up to 15 pooled cores

## Bioinformatically pooled
# convert to presence-absence ILC
ILC_B.combo.df_df[ILC_B.combo.df_df > 0] <- 1
# check 15 indvidually pooled cores
median(rowSums(ILC_B.combo.df_df[grepl("_15_", rownames(ILC_B.combo.df_df)),]))
# 595.5
sd(rowSums(ILC_B.combo.df_df[grepl("_15_", rownames(ILC_B.combo.df_df)),]))
# 153.1

# convert to presence-absence NZC
NZC_B.combo.df_df[NZC_B.combo.df_df > 0] <- 1
# check 15 indvidually pooled cores
median(rowSums(NZC_B.combo.df_df[grepl("_15_", rownames(NZC_B.combo.df_df)),]))
# 510
sd(rowSums(NZC_B.combo.df_df[grepl("_15_", rownames(NZC_B.combo.df_df)),]))
# 128.1

## Manually pooled
# convert to presence-absence ILC
ILC_G_df[ILC_G_df > 0] <- 1
# check 15 indvidually pooled cores
median(rowSums(ILC_G_df[grepl("_15C3E_", rownames(ILC_G_df)),]))
# 167
sd(rowSums(ILC_G_df[grepl("_15C3E_", rownames(ILC_G_df)),]))
# 74.5

# convert to presence-absence NZC
NZC_G_df[NZC_G_df > 0] <- 1
# check 15 indvidually pooled cores
median(rowSums(NZC_G_df[grepl("_15C3E_", rownames(NZC_G_df)),]))
# 126
sd(rowSums(NZC_G_df[grepl("_15C3E_", rownames(NZC_G_df)),]))
# 84.6

# Figure out how many single cores would need to be sampled to match results from largest class of pooled cores
# summary_num, pool data across sites and layers, get median richness
median(summary_num$richness[summary_num$cores=="9_15" &
(summary_num$layer == "Bryophyte" |
summary_num$layer == "Organic")])
# 205.5 ESVs
sd(summary_num$richness[summary_num$cores=="9_15" &
(summary_num$layer == "Bryophyte" |
summary_num$layer == "Organic")])
# 34.0 ESVs

# summary_bio, pool data across sites and layer, get median richness
median(summary_bio$richness[summary_bio$cores=="1" &
(summary_bio$layer == "Bryophyte" |
summary_bio$layer == "Organic")])
# 177 ESVs
sd(summary_bio$richness[summary_bio$cores=="1" &
(summary_bio$layer == "Bryophyte" |
summary_bio$layer == "Organic")])
# 43.6

# Use multiple pairwise-comparison bewteen groups to check for specific diffs across cores just in case
# p.adjust method Benjamini & Hochberg (1995)

# grab data for 15 field pooled cores
composite915 <- data.frame(summary_num$richness[summary_num$cores=="9_15" &
(summary_num$layer == "Bryophyte" |
summary_num$layer == "Organic")])
composite915$type <- "composite915"
names(composite915)[1] <- "richness"

# grab richness for 15 individual cores
individual15 <- data.frame(summary_bio$richness[summary_bio$cores=="15" &
(summary_bio$layer == "Bryophyte" |
summary_bio$layer == "Organic")])
individual15$type <- "individual15"
names(individual15)[1] <- "richness"

# put into one df for statistical comparison
comp <- rbind(composite915, individual15)

pairwise.wilcox.test(comp$richness, comp$type,
p.adjust.method = "BH")
# 1.5e-06

# 205.5
# 598.5


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