Implementations of the app example from the Simple app state management page of the official Flutter documentation, with various state management patterns.
Catalog | My Cart |
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![]() |
No. | Pattern | Code |
P1 | StatefulWidget only | lib/p1 |
P2 | ChangeNotifier | lib/p2 |
P3 | ChangeNotifier + InheritedWidget | lib/p3 |
P4 | ChangeNotifier + Provider | lib/p4 |
P5 | Riverpod | lib/p5 |
P6 | Riverpod Generator | lib/p6 |
P7 | BLoC | lib/p7 |
P8 | Scoped Model | lib/p8 |
P9 | Redux | lib/p9 |
- Lift up the state shared by multiple widgets to their parent StatefulWidget.
- Relay that state to any descendant widget that needs it.
- Events that require state updates are also lifted up.
// lib/p1/p1_app.dart
class _P1AppState extends State<P1App> {
// ⭐️ Lift up the state shared by multiple widgets to their parent StatefulWidget.
final Set<Item> myCartItems = {};
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
theme: ThemeData(
colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.yellow),
useMaterial3: true,
initialRoute: '/',
routes: {
'/': (context) => P1CatalogPage(
// ⭐️ Relay that state to any descendant widget that needs it.
myCartItems: myCartItems.toList(),
// ⭐️ Events that require state updates are also lifted up.
onAddItem: (item) => setState(
() => myCartItems.add(item),
- Include the state shared by multiple widgets and its update logic in the ChangeNotifier.
// lib/common/data/my_cart_change_notifier.dart
// ⭐️ Include the state shared by multiple widgets and its update logic in the ChangeNotifier.
class MyCartChangeNotifier with ChangeNotifier {
final Set<Item> _items = {};
UnmodifiableListView<Item> get items => UnmodifiableListView(_items);
void add(Item item) {
- Keep ChangeNotifier in the parent widget of multiple widgets that require it.
- Relay that ChangeNotifier to any descendant widget that needs it.
// lib/p2/p2_app.dart
class P2App extends StatelessWidget {
// ⭐️ Keep ChangeNotifier in the parent widget of multiple widgets that require it.
final myCart = MyCartChangeNotifier();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
theme: ThemeData(
colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.yellow),
useMaterial3: true,
initialRoute: '/',
routes: {
// ⭐️ Relay that ChangeNotifier to any descendant widget that needs it.
'/': (context) => P2CatalogPage(myCart: myCart),
- Wrap widgets affected by ChangeNotifier updates in ListenableBuilder.
// lib/p2/p2_my_cart_page.dart
class P2MyCartPage extends StatelessWidget {
const P2MyCartPage({super.key, required this.myCart});
final MyCartChangeNotifier myCart;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('My Cart (P2)'),
// ⭐️ Wrap widgets affected by ChangeNotifier updates in ListenableBuilder.
body: ListenableBuilder(
listenable: myCart,
builder: (context, child) => Column(
children: [
child: myCart.items.isNotEmpty
? ListView.builder(
itemCount: myCart.items.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
final item = myCart.items[index];
return CartItemTile(
item: item,
onTapRemove: () => myCart.remove(item),
: const EmptyState(),
- Expose ChangeNotifier through
. - Since ChangeNotifier has change notification function, update notification by InheritedWidget is not required.
- Static method
to get the InheritedWidget that is an ancestor of the Widget tree.
// lib/p3/p3_my_cart_inherited_widget
class P3MyCartInheritedWidget extends InheritedWidget {
const P3MyCartInheritedWidget({
super.key, required super.child, required this.myCart});
// ⭐️ Expose ChangeNotifier through InheritedWidget.
final MyCartChangeNotifier myCart;
// ⭐️ Since ChangeNotifier has change notification function,
// update notification by InheritedWidget is not required.
bool updateShouldNotify(P3MyCartInheritedWidget oldWidget) => false;
// ⭐️ Static method `of` to get the InheritedWidget that is an ancestor of the Widget tree.
static P3MyCartInheritedWidget of(BuildContext context) {
- Insert InheritedWidget with ChangeNotifier in Widget tree.
// lib/p3/p3_app.dart
class P3App extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// ⭐️ Insert InheritedWidget with ChangeNotifier in Widget tree.
return P3MyCartInheritedWidget(
myCart: MyCartChangeNotifier(),
child: MaterialApp(
- Get ChangeNotifier through InheritedWidget.
// lib/p3/p3_my_cart_page.dart
class P3MyCartPage extends StatelessWidget {
const P3MyCartPage({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// ⭐️ Get ChangeNotifier through InheritedWidget.
final myCart = P3MyCartInheritedWidget.of(context).myCart;
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('My Cart (P3)'),
body: ListenableBuilder(
listenable: myCart,
builder: (context, child) => Column(
This pattern uses the provider package.
- Insert ChangeNotifierProvider with ChangeNotifier in Widget tree.
// lib/p4/p4_app.dart
class P4App extends StatelessWidget {
const P4App({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// ⭐️ Insert ChangeNotifierProvider with ChangeNotifier in Widget tree.
return ChangeNotifierProvider(
create: (context) => MyCartChangeNotifier(),
child: MaterialApp(
- Use Consumer to listen to changes in ChangeNotifier.
// p4/p4_my_cart_page.dart
class P4MyCartPage extends StatelessWidget {
const P4MyCartPage({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('My Cart (P4)'),
// ⭐️ Use Consumer to listen to changes in ChangeNotifier.
body: Consumer<MyCartChangeNotifier>(
builder: (context, myCart, child) => Column(
children: [
child: myCart.items.isNotEmpty
? ListView.builder(
itemCount: myCart.items.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
final item = myCart.items[index];
This pattern uses the flutter_riverpod package.
- Provide a StateNotifier containing the state and its update logic via StateNotifierProvider.
// lib/p5/p5_my_cart_state_notifier.dart
// ⭐️ Provide a StateNotifier containing the state and its update logic via StateNotifierProvider
final p5MyCartStateNotifierProvider =
StateNotifierProvider<P5MyCartStateNotifier, MyCartState>(
(ref) => P5MyCartStateNotifier(),
class P5MyCartStateNotifier extends StateNotifier<MyCartState> {
P5MyCartStateNotifier() : super(const MyCartState());
void add(Item item) {
if (!state.items.contains(item)) {
state = state.copyWith(items: {...state.items, item});
- Watch StateNotifierProvider and rebuild when state is updated.
- Update state with StateNotifier.
// lib/p5/p5_my_cart_page.dart
class P5MyCartPage extends ConsumerWidget {
const P5MyCartPage({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
// ⭐️ Watch StateNotifierProvider and rebuild when state is updated.
final myCart =;
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('My Cart (P5)'),
body: Column(
children: [
child: myCart.items.isNotEmpty
? ListView.builder(
itemCount: myCart.items.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
final item = myCart.items.elementAt(index);
return CartItemTile(
item: item,
// ⭐️ Update state with StateNotifier.
onTapRemove: () => ref
This pattern uses the riverpod_generator and riverpod_annotation packages.
// ⭐️ Automatically generate an appropriate provider using @riverpod annotation.
class P6MyCartStateNotifier extends _$P6MyCartStateNotifier {
MyCartState build() => const MyCartState();
void add(Item item) {
if (!state.items.contains(item)) {
state = state.copyWith(items: {...state.items, item});
Implement the BLoC pattern using the flutter_bloc package.
- Include the state shared by multiple widgets and its update logic in the Cubit.
// lib/p7/p7_my_cart_cubit.dart
// ⭐️ Include the state shared by multiple widgets and its update logic in the Cubit.
class P7MyCartCubit extends Cubit<MyCartState> {
P7MyCartCubit() : super(const MyCartState());
void add(Item item) {
if (!state.items.contains(item)) {
emit(state.copyWith(items: {...state.items, item}));
void remove(Item item) { ... }
- Insert BlocProvider with Cubit in Widget tree.
// lib/p7/p7_app.dart
class P7App extends StatelessWidget {
const P7App({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// ⭐️ Insert BlocProvider with Cubit in Widget tree.
return BlocProvider(
create: (context) => P7MyCartCubit(),
child: MaterialApp(
- Use BlocBuilder to listen to changes in the Cubit.
- Update state with Cubit.
// lib/p7/p7_my_cart_page.dart
class P7MyCartPage extends StatelessWidget {
const P7MyCartPage({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('My Cart (P7)'),
// ⭐️ Use BlocBuilder to listen to changes in the Cubit.
body: BlocBuilder<P7MyCartCubit, MyCartState>(
builder: (context, myCart) => Column(
children: [
child: myCart.items.isNotEmpty
? ListView.builder(
itemCount: myCart.items.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
final item = myCart.items.elementAt(index);
return CartItemTile(
item: item,
// ⭐️ Update state with Cubit.
onTapRemove: () =><P7MyCartCubit>().remove(item),
This pattern uses the scoped_model.
- Include the state shared by multiple widgets and its update logic in the Model.
// lib/p8/p8_my_cart_model.dart
// ⭐️ Include the state shared by multiple widgets and its update logic in the Model.
class P8MyCartModel extends Model {
final Set<Item> _items = {};
UnmodifiableListView<Item> get items => UnmodifiableListView(_items);
void add(Item item) {
- Insert ScopedModel with Model in Widget tree.
// lib/p8/p8_app.dart
class P8App extends StatelessWidget {
const P8App({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// ⭐️ Insert ScopedModel with Model in Widget tree.
return ScopedModel<P8MyCartModel>(
model: P8MyCartModel(),
child: MaterialApp(
- Use ScopedModelDescendant to listen to changes in the Model.
- Update state with Model.
// lib/p8/p8_my_cart_page.dart
class P8MyCartPage extends StatelessWidget {
const P8MyCartPage({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('My Cart (P8)'),
// ⭐️ Use ScopedModelDescendant to listen to changes in the Model.
body: ScopedModelDescendant<P8MyCartModel>(
builder: (context, child, myCart) => Column(
children: [
child: myCart.items.isNotEmpty
? ListView.builder(
itemCount: myCart.items.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
final item = myCart.items.elementAt(index);
return CartItemTile(
item: item,
// ⭐️ Update state with Model.
onTapRemove: () =>
Implement Redux pattern using flutter_redux and redux packages.
- Create Store as a final variable inside a State object.
- Wrap app widget with a StoreProvider and pass the Store.
// lib/p9/p9_app.dart
class _P9AppState extends State<P9App> {
// ⭐️ Create Store as a final variable inside a State object.
final store = Store<P9ReduxState>(
initialState: P9ReduxState(
catalogItems: fetchCatalogItems(),
myCart: const MyCartState(),
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// ⭐️ Wrap app widget with a StoreProvider and pass the Store.
return StoreProvider<P9ReduxState>(
store: store,
child: MaterialApp(
- Define actions to update the state.
// lib/p9/p9_redux_actions.dart
// ⭐️ Define actions to update the state.
sealed class Action {
const Action._();
class RefreshCatalogItemsAction implements Action { ... }
class AddItemToMyCartAction implements Action { ... }
- Reducer updates state according to dispatched actions.
// lib/p9/p9_redux_reducer.dart
// ⭐️ Reducer updates state according to dispatched actions.
P9ReduxState reducer(P9ReduxState state, dynamic action) {
if (action is Action) {
return switch (action) {
RefreshCatalogItemsAction() => state.copyWith(
catalogItems: fetchCatalogItems(),
- Connect the store with a StoreConnector to widgets that are affected by some state updates.
- Wrap widgets affected by state updates in StoreBuilder.
- Dispatch the action that updates the state to the Store.
// lib/p9_p9_catalog_page.dart
class P9CatalogPage extends StatelessWidget {
const P9CatalogPage({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Catalog (P9)'),
actions: [
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 16),
// ⭐️ Connect the Store to widgets that are affected by some state updates.
child: StoreConnector<P9ReduxState, int>(
converter: (store) => store.state.myCart.items.length,
builder: (context, itemsCount) => CartButton(
badgeCount: itemsCount,
onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/my_cart'),
// ⭐️ Wrap widgets affected by state updates in StoreBuilder.
body: StoreBuilder<P9ReduxState>(
builder: (context, store) => RefreshIndicator(
// ⭐️ Dispatch the action that updates the state to the Store.
onRefresh: () async =>
store.dispatch(const RefreshCatalogItemsAction()),
child: FutureBuilder<List<Item>>(
future: store.state.catalogItems,