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Daniel Eder edited this page Apr 28, 2023 · 19 revisions

How to use this template repository

  1. [If you are a DT Employee] Get in touch with the Deutsche Telekom OSPO to start the workflow to get a repository for your project.
  2. Clone your repository, it will contain the files of this repository.
  3. Update the title of the to your project's title.
  4. Update the "About" section of the to describe your project and add installation, deployment information and documentation.
  5. In the GitHub Web Interface, on the right side, update the "About" to describe your project.
  6. Run pipx reuse init (See for more info on REUSE) and provide the requested information.
  7. Add your code.
  8. Run pipx reuse annotate ... (See for an example) to add Copyright and license statements to all files.
    • For the inital run pipx run reuse annotate -c "Deutsche Telekom AG" -l "<SPDX-LICENSE-ID>" --recursive --skip-existing ./ might be a good choice.
    • BEWARE: Replace the with the appropriate real license ID (see for options).
    • BEWARE: Use the right path! If your assets are under a different license than your code, you might want to do one run on ./src and one on e.g. ./resources.
  9. Run pipx reuse lint to verify the project is REUSE compliant.
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