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Daniel Eder edited this page Nov 17, 2023 · 19 revisions

How to use this template repository

[If you are a DT Employee] Get in touch with the Deutsche Telekom OSPO to start the workflow to get a repository for your project.

Prepare Information on GitHub

  1. In the GitHub Web Interface, on the right side, update the "About" to describe your project.

Complete the Readme

  1. Clone your repository, it will contain the files of this repository.
  2. Update the title of the to your project's title.
  3. Update the "About" section of the to describe your project and add installation, deployment information and documentation.
    • If you have a readme already prepared you can simply replace this section with your existing content.
    • Just make sure to keep the other sections of this template at the bottom of the resulting file!

Set up the license information

The license information is provided based on the REUSE standard, See for more info on REUSE.

In most cases the license for code will be Apache-2.0 and for assets and documentation CC-BY-4.0.
Please talk to the OSPO in case you have not received guidance on license choices for your project yet.

  1. If not already done, clone your repository.
  2. In the cloned directory, run pipx run reuse init and provide the requested information.
    • You can skip the license question, unless you already know the license(s)
    • The internet address of your project will be the GitHub repository URL, unless you have a separate website
    • The name of the maintainer can be "Deutsche Telekom AG"
    • The e-mail of the maintainer can be ""
  3. Add your code.
  4. Run pipx reuse annotate ... to add Copyright and license statements to all files.
    • See for an example
    • To initialize single files use pipx run reuse annotate -c="Deutsche Telekom AG" -l="<LICENSE-SPDX-IDENTIFIER>" <file>
    • To initialize whole directories you can use pipx run reuse annotate -c "Deutsche Telekom AG" -l "<SPDX-LICENSE-ID>" --recursive --skip-existing ./
      • BEWARE: Use the right path, ./ is not always what you need! If your assets are under a different license than your code, you need to perform one run on e.g. ./src and one on e.g. ./resources.
      • BEWARE: Replace the with the appropriate real license ID (see for options), e.g. Apache-2.0 or CC-BY-4.0
  5. Run pipx run reuse download --all to make sure license text is placed in the ./LICENSES/ directory.
  6. Run pipx run reuse lint to verify the project is REUSE compliant.

How to keep the repository compliant

  1. By default the reuse compliance check GitHub action runs on each push and PR to tell you the status. Feel free to modify this to your needs, but the main branch should always stay compliant.
  2. When adding new files pipx reuse annotate ... needs to be run on the files to add the copyright and license.
    • e.g. pipx run reuse annotate -c "Deutsche Telekom AG" -l "Apache-2.0" <mynewfile> will add copyright for DT AG for the current year and set the license to Apache 2.0.
  3. Despite the GitHub action it is good practice to run pipx run reuse lint before committing new files to verify none are missing licensing information.
  4. Note: It is not necessary to update the copyright year in files, however it is recommended to do so if major changes were made since the last year shown in the copyright line.
    • You can either simply run pipx run reuse annotate -c "<copyright holder>" -l "<license>" <myfile> again, which will add a new copyright line for the new year.
    • or manually change e.g. "2021" to "2021-2023" in the existing line.
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