Tekton Dashboard follows the Tekton community release policy as follows:
- Versions are numbered according to semantic versioning:
- A new release is produced on a monthly basis
- Four releases a year are chosen for long term support (LTS).
All remaining releases are supported for approximately 1 month (until the next
release is produced)
- LTS releases take place in January, April, July and October every year
- The first Tekton Dashboard LTS release will be v0.30.0 in October 2022
- Releases happen towards the middle of the month, between the 13th and the 20th, depending on week-ends and readiness
Tekton Dashboard produces nightly builds, publicly available at:
The images for Dashboard releases are published to ghcr.io/tektoncd/dashboard
Prior to 26th September 2024, nightly images were published to gcr.io/tekton-nightly
For release v0.50.x and earlier, release images were published to gcr.io/tekton-releases
Tekton Pipeline releases are made of YAML manifests and container images. Manifests are published to cloud object-storage as well as GitHub. Container images are signed by Sigstore via Tekton Chains; signatures can be verified through the public key hosted by the Tekton Chains project.
Further documentation available:
- The Tekton Dashboard release process
- Installing Tekton Dashboard
- Standard for release notes
- Latest Release: v0.55.0 (2025-03-03) (docs)
- Initial Release: v0.55.0 (2025-03-03)
- End of Life: 2025-04-02
- Patch Releases: v0.55.0
- Supported Pipelines Releases: v0.68.x LTS
- Supported Triggers Releases: v0.31.x LTS
- Latest Release: v0.54.0 (2025-01-31) (docs)
- Initial Release: v0.54.0 (2025-01-31)
- End of Life: 2026-01-30
- Patch Releases: v0.54.0
- Supported Pipelines Releases: v0.68.x LTS
- Supported Triggers Releases: v0.30.x LTS
- Latest Release: v0.52.0 (2024-10-29) (docs)
- Initial Release: v0.52.0 (2024-10-29)
- End of Life: 2025-10-28
- Patch Releases: v0.52.0
- Supported Pipelines Releases: v0.65.x LTS
- Supported Triggers Releases: v0.29.x LTS
- Latest Release: v0.49.0 (2024-07-29) (docs)
- Initial Release: v0.49.0 (2024-07-29)
- End of Life: 2025-07-28
- Patch Releases: v0.49.0
- Supported Pipelines Releases: v0.59.x LTS, v0.62.x LTS
- Supported Triggers Releases: v0.27.x LTS, v0.28.x
- Latest Release: v0.46.0 (2024-04-26) (docs)
- Initial Release: v0.46.0 (2024-04-26)
- End of Life: 2025-04-25
- Patch Releases: v0.46.0
- Supported Pipelines Releases: v0.56.x LTS, v0.59.x LTS
- Supported Triggers Releases: v0.24.x LTS, v0.26.x LTS
Older releases are EOL and available on GitHub.