hosted by Music Hackspace
event page: Using Machine Learning Creatively via FluCoMa in Max
Instructor: Ted Moore (github: @tedmoore,
Saturday, October 22, 2022
11am NYC Time
- What is FluCoMa?
- Configure and Install FluCoMa in Max
ampslice (patch #01)
Musical Example: check out the article on Lauren Sarah Hayes' Moon via Spirit
hpss (patch #02)
Decomposition with NMF (patch #03)
Musical Example: check out the article on Olivier Pasquet's Herbig-Haro
- pitch (patch #04)
- spectralshape (centroid)
- loudness (loudness)
- bufstats
- fluid.plotter (patch #05)
KNN (patch #07)
Scaling Data
Musical Example: check out the article on Rodrigo Constanzo's Kaizo Snare
(patch #08)
- Musical Example: check out the article on Alex Harker's Drift Shadow
(patch #09)
- Musical Example: check out the article on Alice Eldridge and Chris Kiefer's FeedbackFeedforward
- Reference
- Learn Overviews
- Explore (Example Projects...and patches!)
- FluCoMa YouTube Channel (performances and tutorials!)
- More about Machine Listening with Alex Harker: Meaningless Numbers? Using Audio Descriptors in a Musical Manner
- Get in touch with me!