Elasticsearch ILM Policy file
config directory contains the below sample policy files.
- age_rollover_policy.json
- doc_rollover_policy.json
- sample_rollover_policy.json
- size_rollover_policy.json
This policy is for rolling over the indices when age of the index reaches configurable age.
As per the configuration, if the index reaches 1 day the index would be rolled over.
This policy is for rolling over the indices when document count of the index reaches configurable document count.
As per the configuration, if the index reaches 1000 documents the index would be rolled over.
This policy is for rolling over the indices when size of the index reaches configurable size.
As per the configuration, if the index reaches 500mb the index would be rolled over.
This policy is for rolling over the indices when age of the index or document count or size reaches configurable.
As per the configuration, if the index reaches 1 day or 10000 count or 500mb the index would be rolled over.
This all file also contains the transition to warm layer after 1 hour of the rolling over the indices. In warm layer we change the number of the shards to 1.