CodeStreet's Winter Season of Code | Mozilla GGSIPU & TechSpace
Wings of Fire, Moz-GGSIPU and TechSpace-Usict, Technical society of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University has rolled out application forms for Code Street's Winter Season of Code.
Time line : Registration Starts - November 26, 2016 Registration Ends - December 15, 2016 Project Proposal Deadline - December 20, 2016
< Prototype of the proposal, just for referral purpose, you are free to chose a different pattern : >
Selected candidates with projects will be announced on December 24, 2016. Meet with mentors and Discussion on Projects - December 25th -31st 2016 Coding starts - January 1st 2017 Mid - Evaluation Period : January 10-13 2017 Coding Ends - January 23rd 2017 Project Submission Deadline - January 24th 2017 Results - January 26th 2017
Choose the projects you would like to work upon and submit the proposals <on the guidelines of GSOC 2016> in a folder on google drive and share it with
A Project has maximum of 4 openings. Complete project list will be announced by November 29th, 2016.
Projects List : 1=Choose the projects you would like to work upon and submit the proposals in a folder on google drive and share it with < Prototype of the proposal, just for referral purpose, you are free to chose a different pattern : >
- Projects of Mozilla - Mentored by Mozpacers <refer to for the projects>
- Universtiy Festival - with web VR
- Mozilla GGSIPU with all its initiaitves designed separately - mentored by Deepak balhara, President, Teach the web, Moz-Club
- HTML5 video player for Use Angular 2 , scss and HTML5(
- Peer Review system - mentored by Purushottam Jha, Software Engineer , VM WARE
- APP for university - mentored by Satyam Sehgal, App Lead , GGSIPU
- Alumni Association - mentored by Anudit Verma, GSOC 2015
- Frequency meter for Xampaperz - mentored by Santosh Pant, Founder Xampaperz & Junksquare
- PHP CMS Framework - mentored by Jeevan Pant , Founder AXE 10.Project Submission and grading Module for Educational Institution - mentored by Mozpacers
- you can submit your idea too.
For more Information : Arunav Dutta, Spokesperson Amit Sharma, #7065452675 ,President Anudit Verma, #9654994328,OSLC Lead
Cheers.. Happy Coding Rajiv Bharat Jha Convener TechSpace and Mozilla GGSIPU #9555058642