All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
createDocument | POST /documents | Upload a document |
deleteDocument | DELETE /documents/{id} | Delete a document |
downloadDocument | GET /documents/{id}/download | Download a document |
listDocumentLinks | GET /document_links | List all document links |
listDocuments | GET /documents | List all documents |
retrieveDocument | GET /documents/{id} | Retrieve a document |
updateDocument | PATCH /documents/{id} | Update a document |
CreateDocument200Response createDocument(createDocumentRequest)
Upload a document
Upload a document.
Uploaded files must be linked to a service within 30 minutes or they will be automatically deleted.
// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiClient;
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiException;
import com.telnyx.sdk.Configuration;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.DocumentsApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
DocumentsApi apiInstance = new DocumentsApi(defaultClient);
CreateDocumentRequest createDocumentRequest = new CreateDocumentRequest(); // CreateDocumentRequest |
try {
CreateDocument200Response result = apiInstance.createDocument(createDocumentRequest);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling DocumentsApi#createDocument");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
createDocumentRequest | CreateDocumentRequest |
- Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Successful response | - |
422 | Unprocessable entity. Check the 'detail' field in response for details. | - |
500 | Unexpected error | - |
CreateDocument200Response deleteDocument(id)
Delete a document
Delete a document.
A document can only be deleted if it's not linked to a service. If it is linked to a service, it must be unlinked prior to deleting.
import java.util.UUID;
// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiClient;
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiException;
import com.telnyx.sdk.Configuration;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.DocumentsApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
DocumentsApi apiInstance = new DocumentsApi(defaultClient);
UUID id = UUID.fromString("6a09cdc3-8948-47f0-aa62-74ac943d6c58"); // UUID | Identifies the resource.
try {
CreateDocument200Response result = apiInstance.deleteDocument(id);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling DocumentsApi#deleteDocument");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | UUID | Identifies the resource. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Successful response | - |
500 | Unexpected error | - |
Object downloadDocument(id)
Download a document
Download a document.
import java.util.UUID;
// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiClient;
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiException;
import com.telnyx.sdk.Configuration;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.DocumentsApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
DocumentsApi apiInstance = new DocumentsApi(defaultClient);
UUID id = UUID.fromString("6a09cdc3-8948-47f0-aa62-74ac943d6c58"); // UUID | Identifies the resource.
try {
Object result = apiInstance.downloadDocument(id);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling DocumentsApi#downloadDocument");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | UUID | Identifies the resource. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: /, application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Successful response | - |
500 | Unexpected error | - |
ListDocumentLinks200Response listDocumentLinks(pageNumber, pageSize, filterDocumentId, filterLinkedRecordType, filterLinkedResourceId)
List all document links
List all documents links ordered by created_at descending.
import java.util.UUID;
// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiClient;
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiException;
import com.telnyx.sdk.Configuration;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.DocumentsApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
DocumentsApi apiInstance = new DocumentsApi(defaultClient);
Integer pageNumber = 1; // Integer | The page number to load
Integer pageSize = 20; // Integer | The size of the page
UUID filterDocumentId = UUID.fromString("6a09cdc3-8948-47f0-aa62-74ac943d6c58"); // UUID | Identifies the associated document to filter on.
String filterLinkedRecordType = "porting_order"; // String | The `linked_record_type` of the document to filter on.
UUID filterLinkedResourceId = UUID.fromString("6a09cdc3-8948-47f0-aa62-74ac943d6c58"); // UUID | The `linked_resource_id` of the document to filter on.
try {
ListDocumentLinks200Response result = apiInstance.listDocumentLinks(pageNumber, pageSize, filterDocumentId, filterLinkedRecordType, filterLinkedResourceId);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling DocumentsApi#listDocumentLinks");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pageNumber | Integer | The page number to load | [optional] [default to 1] |
pageSize | Integer | The size of the page | [optional] [default to 20] |
filterDocumentId | UUID | Identifies the associated document to filter on. | [optional] |
filterLinkedRecordType | String | The `linked_record_type` of the document to filter on. | [optional] |
filterLinkedResourceId | UUID | The `linked_resource_id` of the document to filter on. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Successful response | - |
500 | Unexpected error | - |
ListDocuments200Response listDocuments(filterFilenameContains, filterCustomerReferenceEq, filterCustomerReferenceIn, filterCreatedAtGt, filterCreatedAtLt, sort, pageNumber, pageSize)
List all documents
List all documents ordered by created_at descending.
// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiClient;
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiException;
import com.telnyx.sdk.Configuration;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.DocumentsApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
DocumentsApi apiInstance = new DocumentsApi(defaultClient);
String filterFilenameContains = "invoice"; // String | Filter by string matching part of filename.
String filterCustomerReferenceEq = "MY REF 001"; // String | Filter documents by a customer references.
String filterCustomerReferenceIn = "MY REF 001"; // String | Filter documents by a list of customer references.
String filterCreatedAtGt = "2021-04-09T22:25:27.521Z"; // String | Filter by created at greater than provided value.
String filterCreatedAtLt = "2021-04-09T22:25:27.521Z"; // String | Filter by created at less than provided value.
String sort = "filename"; // String | Specifies the sort order for results. If you want to sort by a field in ascending order, include it as a sort parameter. If you want to sort in descending order, prepend a `-` in front of the field name.
Integer pageNumber = 1; // Integer | The page number to load
Integer pageSize = 20; // Integer | The size of the page
try {
ListDocuments200Response result = apiInstance.listDocuments(filterFilenameContains, filterCustomerReferenceEq, filterCustomerReferenceIn, filterCreatedAtGt, filterCreatedAtLt, sort, pageNumber, pageSize);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling DocumentsApi#listDocuments");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
filterFilenameContains | String | Filter by string matching part of filename. | [optional] |
filterCustomerReferenceEq | String | Filter documents by a customer references. | [optional] |
filterCustomerReferenceIn | String | Filter documents by a list of customer references. | [optional] |
filterCreatedAtGt | String | Filter by created at greater than provided value. | [optional] |
filterCreatedAtLt | String | Filter by created at less than provided value. | [optional] |
sort | String | Specifies the sort order for results. If you want to sort by a field in ascending order, include it as a sort parameter. If you want to sort in descending order, prepend a `-` in front of the field name. | [optional] [enum: filename, created_at, updated_at] |
pageNumber | Integer | The page number to load | [optional] [default to 1] |
pageSize | Integer | The size of the page | [optional] [default to 20] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Successful response | - |
500 | Unexpected error | - |
CreateDocument200Response retrieveDocument(id)
Retrieve a document
Retrieve a document.
import java.util.UUID;
// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiClient;
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiException;
import com.telnyx.sdk.Configuration;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.DocumentsApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
DocumentsApi apiInstance = new DocumentsApi(defaultClient);
UUID id = UUID.fromString("6a09cdc3-8948-47f0-aa62-74ac943d6c58"); // UUID | Identifies the resource.
try {
CreateDocument200Response result = apiInstance.retrieveDocument(id);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling DocumentsApi#retrieveDocument");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | UUID | Identifies the resource. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Successful response | - |
500 | Unexpected error | - |
CreateDocument200Response updateDocument(id, docServiceDocument)
Update a document
Update a document.
import java.util.UUID;
// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiClient;
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiException;
import com.telnyx.sdk.Configuration;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.DocumentsApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
DocumentsApi apiInstance = new DocumentsApi(defaultClient);
UUID id = UUID.fromString("6a09cdc3-8948-47f0-aa62-74ac943d6c58"); // UUID | Identifies the resource.
DocServiceDocument docServiceDocument = new DocServiceDocument(); // DocServiceDocument |
try {
CreateDocument200Response result = apiInstance.updateDocument(id, docServiceDocument);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling DocumentsApi#updateDocument");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | UUID | Identifies the resource. | |
docServiceDocument | DocServiceDocument | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Successful response | - |
500 | Unexpected error | - |