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Usneita edited this page Jul 6, 2015 · 12 revisions

Set of environmental conditions within which it is believed that the species can persist; that is, where its environmental requirements can be satisfied.

Reference: Walker, P.A. and Cocks, K.D. 1991. HABITAT. a procedure for modeling a disjoint environmental envelope for a plant or animal species. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letter 1. 108-118.

##Atomized branch##


Structured information category concerning measurements, facts, characteristics, or assertions about a resource (instances or records, such as Occurrence, Taxon, Location, Event).

A controlled vocabulary is recommended.

e.g. Environmental range in which the organism lives (e.g. annual precipitation/average/450/mm)

Class: [DetailClass] (


  • IUCN. 2007. Workshop: Species Vulnerability Traits. Silwood Park, Berkshire, UK.


Ancillary information of the LifeFormAtomized element.

Class: [AncillaryDataClass] (


EnvironmetalEnvelope element in text block format.

Class: [NormalString] (


Ancillary information of the LifeFormUnstructured element.

Class: [AncillaryDataClass] (


Image Description
Complex Type
Sequence structure
Choice structure
Obligatory element
Optional element
minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded
minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded
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