An open-source, super-simple, ultra-fast, fully-automated, fairly-accurate and PET-only solution to conduct spatial normalization and semi-quantification for almost any brain PET modalities.
Abeta, tau, FDG, DAT, MET, synaptic density... you name it!
Currently DCCCSlicer is only available on Windows. You may need to recompile it from source on other platforms.
PS: You can also quickly align brain images with rigid transformation to the MNI space by localizing AC and PC. This step may be required for spatial normalization with SPM.
Shiny new features! DCCCSlicer can interpret input Abeta and tau PET images now! It not only help determine if a patient may have AD, but also identifies the regions of pathological deposition!
This project is open-sourced under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 license and therefore not allowed for commercial use. This project is for research only and is prohibited in clinical practice.
IMPORTANT LICENSE UPDATE: Since DCCCSlicer V2.0, we no longer allow results generated using DCCCSlicer to be published in closed-access journals. If you use our software in your research, please consider publishing your results in an open-access journal or making them publicly available from the journal press, unless you obtain our commercial use license in advance.