Birthday release, Jan 2018
released this
08 Feb 15:01
Whole bunch of new stuff!
Complex twin models and data simulation
NEW: umxSexLim
multi-variate twin sex-limitation (beta)
NEW: umxGxE_biv
bivariate Gene-environment interaction model (beta)
NEW: umx_make_TwinData
Can now make bivariate moderated twin data.
Improving existing functions
can take lists of paths as input (contributed by @bwiernik ).
IMPROVED: umxModify
can write newlabels.
can back-out an SE if given b and CI.
IMPROVED: Help pages and examples improved and reorganized.
less interesting helpers
NEW: umx_stack
Slightly more powerful version of base stack.
NEW: umx_array_shift
Shifts an item off the beginning of a list.
future work
Beta: Beginning a umxGroup
function as part of measurement invariance support.
DEPRECATED LONG ENOUGH: Dropped support for umxReRun (use umxModify)
DEPRECATED LONG ENOUGH: Dropped support for suffix in some places (use sep)
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