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Releases: tayloraswift/swift-grammar


16 Jan 00:02
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This release removes the obsolete Testing_ target from this package, which also frees it of its swift-atomics dependency.

Full Changelog: 0.4.1...0.5.0


15 Nov 23:45
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This is a documentation-only release that fixes a multitude of broken and malformed symbol links in the package’s documentation.

Full Changelog: 0.4.0...0.4.1


22 Apr 21:25
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This release renames the Testing module to Testing_ to deconflict with the module of the same name in the swift-testing library. Although SwiftPM module aliases enable building despite the name conflict, it causes major tooling problems in VSCode.


17 Nov 23:03
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In 0.3.4, the AsyncTests and SyncTests protocols became deprecated, and have been replaced with TestMain and TestBattery.

The minimum toolchain requirement increased from 5.7 to 5.8.


27 Sep 04:23
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The most important change in 0.3.3 is that swift-grammar is now the host of the Testing module, which it shares with swift-mongodb and swift-unidoc.


25 Aug 00:56
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the swift-grammar 0.2 release is focused around broadening the library’s range of use cases over the v0.1.x releases, during which swift-grammar existed more or less to support swift-json and a handful of other parsers.

notably, swift-grammar v0.1.5 did not ship with a complete alphabet. it included only the definitions needed by its specific consumer packages. it was also not previously possible to disambiguate a name collision with one of the toplevel symbols in this module, since it defines a namespace enum of the same name as the module.

v0.2.0 of swift-grammar now ships with a complete ASCII table, and has deprecated the Grammar namespace enum, which we will be able to remove in v0.3.0. API has been carefully resettled into other namespaces, or (in a few cases) promoted to the toplevel, and migration typealiases have been added to help users transition.

v0.2.0 also adopts primary associated types (PATs). this feature is gated to swift >= 5.7; users building on older toolchains will receive a polyfill generated by swift-package-factory.

finally, v0.2.0 adds CI coverage for iOS, watchOS, and tvOS, and also adds CI coverage for nightly toolchains on macOS and linux.

we have also verified that every build is succeeding!

browse the API docs