Example project for using Swift with dynamic library dependencies on Linux.
This project builds the KrustyKrab
executable against version 1.0.0 of libKrabbyPatty, and should be compatible future versions of the same library.
SwiftPM does not understand all the various Linux distributions that exist in the world. Therefore, you must set the SWIFTPM_KK_PLATFORM
environment variable to one of the following, in order to build against the correct binary artifact:
export SWIFTPM_KK_PLATFORM="Ubuntu-24.04-X64"
export SWIFTPM_KK_PLATFORM="Ubuntu-22.04-X64"
export SWIFTPM_KK_PLATFORM="Amazon-Linux-2-X64"
# Tell SwiftPM that we are on Ubuntu 24.04. This is defined by `libKrabbyPatty`, not SwiftPM.
export SWIFTPM_KK_PLATFORM="Ubuntu-24.04-X64"
# Use modified SwiftPM to build, setting @rpath to where you expect to deploy `libKrabbyPatty`
../swift-package-manager/.build/release/swift-build -c release \
-Xlinker -rpath \
-Xlinker main.artifactbundle/KrabbyPatty
# Download Version 2 of `libKrabbyPatty` and unpack it to the expected location
curl https://download.swiftinit.org/swift-edsl-example/2.0.0/$SWIFTPM_KK_PLATFORM/main.artifactbundle.zip -o main.artifactbundle.zip
unzip main.artifactbundle.zip
# Run the executable
You should see the following output:
Latest Krabby Patty formula version: v1
This is because SwiftPM copies the version of libKrabbyPatty
that it was built against into the .build
directory. To use the library installed at the @rpath
you configured, delete that copy:
rm .build/release/libKrabbyPatty.so
You should see the following output:
Latest Krabby Patty formula version: v2