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dest/graphql: convert comments to description strings (#3702)
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* convert comments to description strings

* fix missing text on label
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mastercactapus authored Feb 23, 2024
1 parent 1c28326 commit b7da873
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Showing 3 changed files with 296 additions and 109 deletions.
264 changes: 207 additions & 57 deletions graphql2/graph/destinations.graphqls
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,66 +1,149 @@
extend type Query {
# destinationTypes returns a list of destination types that can be used for
# notifications.
destinationTypes: [DestinationTypeInfo!]! @experimental(flagName: "dest-types")
# destinationFieldValidate validates a destination field value as valid or invalid.
# It does not guarantee that the value is valid for the destination type, only
# that it is valid for the field (i.e., syntax/formatting).
destinationFieldValidate(input: DestinationFieldValidateInput!): Boolean! @experimental(flagName: "dest-types")
destinationFieldSearch(input: DestinationFieldSearchInput!): FieldValueConnection! @experimental(flagName: "dest-types")
destinationFieldValueName(input: DestinationFieldValidateInput!): String! @experimental(flagName: "dest-types")

# destinationDisplayInfo returns the display information for a destination.
destinationDisplayInfo(input: DestinationInput!): DestinationDisplayInfo! @experimental(flagName: "dest-types")
destinationTypes returns a list of destination types that can be used for
destinationTypes: [DestinationTypeInfo!]!
@experimental(flagName: "dest-types")

destinationFieldValidate validates a destination field value as valid or invalid.
It does not guarantee that the value is valid for the destination type, only
that it is valid for the field (i.e., syntax/formatting).
destinationFieldValidate(input: DestinationFieldValidateInput!): Boolean!
@experimental(flagName: "dest-types")
input: DestinationFieldSearchInput!
): FieldValueConnection! @experimental(flagName: "dest-types")
destinationFieldValueName(input: DestinationFieldValidateInput!): String!
@experimental(flagName: "dest-types")

destinationDisplayInfo returns the display information for a destination.
destinationDisplayInfo(input: DestinationInput!): DestinationDisplayInfo!
@experimental(flagName: "dest-types")

# FieldValueConnection is a connection to a list of FieldValuePairs.
FieldValueConnection is a connection to a list of FieldValuePairs.
type FieldValueConnection {
nodes: [FieldValuePair!]!
pageInfo: PageInfo!

input DestinationFieldValidateInput {
destType: DestinationType! # the type of destination to validate
fieldID: ID! # the ID of the input field to validate
value: String! # the value to validate
the type of destination to validate
destType: DestinationType!

the ID of the input field to validate
fieldID: ID!

the value to validate
value: String!

# DestinationType represents a type of destination that can be used for
# notifications.
DestinationType represents a type of destination that can be used for
scalar DestinationType

input DestinationFieldSearchInput {
destType: DestinationType! # the type of destination to search for
fieldID: ID! # the ID of the input field to search for
search: String # search string to match against
omit: [String!] # values/ids to omit from results
after: String # cursor to start search from
first: Int = 15 # number of results to return
the type of destination to search for
destType: DestinationType!

the ID of the input field to search for
fieldID: ID!

search string to match against
search: String

values/ids to omit from results
omit: [String!]

cursor to start search from
after: String

number of results to return
first: Int = 15

# Destination represents a destination that can be used for notifications.
Destination represents a destination that can be used for notifications.
type Destination {
type: DestinationType!
values: [FieldValuePair!]!
displayInfo: DestinationDisplayInfo! @goField(forceResolver: true)
displayInfo: DestinationDisplayInfo! @goField(forceResolver: true)

# DestinationDisplayInfo provides information for displaying a destination.
DestinationDisplayInfo provides information for displaying a destination.
type DestinationDisplayInfo {
text: String! # user-friendly text to display for this destination
iconURL: String! # URL to an icon to display for this destination
iconAltText: String! # alt text for the icon
linkURL: String! # URL to link to for more information about this destination
user-friendly text to display for this destination
text: String!

URL to an icon to display for this destination
iconURL: String!

alt text for the icon
iconAltText: String!

URL to link to for more information about this destination
linkURL: String!

type FieldValuePair {
fieldID: ID! # The ID of the input field that this value is for.
The ID of the input field that this value is for.
fieldID: ID!

The value of the input field.
value: String!

value: String! # The value of the input field.
label: String! @goField(forceResolver: true) # The user-friendly text for this value of the input field (e.g., if the value is a user ID, label would be the user's name).
The user-friendly text for this value of the input field (e.g., if the value is a user ID, label would be the user's name).
label: String! @goField(forceResolver: true)

isFavorite: Boolean! # if true, this value is a favorite for the user, only set for search results
if true, this value is a favorite for the user, only set for search results
isFavorite: Boolean!

input DestinationInput {
Expand All @@ -69,7 +152,10 @@ input DestinationInput {

input FieldValueInput {
fieldID: ID! # The ID of the input field that this value is for.
The ID of the input field that this value is for.
fieldID: ID!
value: String!

Expand All @@ -78,38 +164,102 @@ type DestinationTypeInfo {

name: String!

iconURL: String! # URL to an icon to display for the destination type
iconAltText: String! # alt text for the icon
URL to an icon to display for the destination type
iconURL: String!

alt text for the icon, should be usable in place of the icon
iconAltText: String!
disabledMessage: String!

enabled: Boolean! # if false, the destination type is disabled and cannot be used

if false, the destination type is disabled and cannot be used
enabled: Boolean!
requiredFields: [DestinationFieldConfig!]!

userDisclaimer: String! # disclaimer text to display when a user is selecting this destination type for a contact method
disclaimer text to display when a user is selecting this destination type for a contact method
userDisclaimer: String!

this destination type can be used as a user contact method
isContactMethod: Boolean!

this destination type can be used as an escalation policy step action
isEPTarget: Boolean!

isContactMethod: Boolean! # this destination type can be used as a user contact method
isEPTarget: Boolean! # this destination type can be used as an escalation policy step action
isSchedOnCallNotify: Boolean! # this destination type can be used for schedule on-call notifications
this destination type can be used for schedule on-call notifications
isSchedOnCallNotify: Boolean!

supportsStatusUpdates: Boolean! # if true, the destination type supports status updates
statusUpdatesRequired: Boolean! # if true, the destination type requires status updates to be enabled
if true, the destination type supports status updates
supportsStatusUpdates: Boolean!

if true, the destination type requires status updates to be enabled
statusUpdatesRequired: Boolean!

type DestinationFieldConfig {
fieldID: ID! # unique ID for the input field
unique ID for the input field
fieldID: ID!

user-friendly label
labelSingular: String!

user-friendly plural label
labelPlural: String!

user-friendly helper text for input fields (i.e., "Enter a phone number")
hint: String!

URL to link to for more information about the destination type
hintURL: String!

placeholder text to display in input fields (e.g., "Phone Number")
placeholderText: String!

labelSingular: String! # user-friendly label
labelPlural: String! # user-friendly plural label
the prefix to use when displaying the destination (e.g., "+" for phone numbers)
prefix: String!

hint: String! # user-friendly helper text for input fields (i.e., "Enter a phone number")
hintURL: String! # URL to link to for more information about the destination type
placeholderText: String! # placeholder text to display in input fields (e.g., "Phone Number")
the type of input field (type attribute) to use (e.g., "text" or "tel")
inputType: String!

prefix: String! # the prefix to use when displaying the destination (e.g., "+" for phone numbers)
inputType: String! # the type of input field (type attribute) to use (e.g., "text" or "tel")
if true, the destination can be selected via search
isSearchSelectable: Boolean!

isSearchSelectable: Boolean! # if true, the destination can be selected via search
supportsValidation: Boolean! # if true, the destination type supports validation
if true, the destination type supports validation
supportsValidation: Boolean!
25 changes: 11 additions & 14 deletions graphql2/graph/errorcodes.graphqls
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@

Known error codes that the server can return.
These values will be returned in the `extensions.code` field of the error response.
enum ErrorCode {
The input value is invalid, the `path` field will contain the exact path to the invalid input.
The input value is invalid, the `path` field will contain the exact path to the invalid input.
A separate error will be returned for each invalid field.
A separate error will be returned for each invalid field.

The `path` field contains the exact path to the DestinationInput that is invalid.
The `path` field contains the exact path to the DestinationInput that is invalid.
The `extensions.fieldID` field contains the ID of the input field that is invalid.
The `extensions.fieldID` field contains the ID of the input field that is invalid.
A separate error will be returned for each invalid field.
A separate error will be returned for each invalid field.

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