GitHub Repository: taraliu23/CSE6140-Final-Project
Group Member: Tingyu Liu
Solve TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem) with three different algorithms and evaluate running times and performances.
Given x-y coordinates of N points in the plane, find the shortest simple cycle that visit all N points.
In graph G:
- Vertices: N points
- Edges: travel route
- Weight: Euclidean distance
- Direction: Undirected, and all edges costs are symmetric
- end time T=300s, then exit
- output: solution found so far
The Brute Force algorithm calculates all the city permutations and returns the optimal tour and cost.
Time complexity:
- guarantee quality
- based on MST (Minimum Spanning Tree)
The Approximate MST algorithm is a 2-approximation algorithm. It constructs a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) and performs a depth-first search.
Time complexity:
Algorithm steps: - compute distance matrix - construct MST with Kruskal's algorithm - List visited cities in the preorder walk of the MST and add one at the end
Simulated Annealing is a local search algorithm and can achieve near-optimal results.
Algorithm steps:
1. init with a random travel, temperature, and cooling rate.
2. while the temperature is higher than the limit:
swap two cities and generate travel, calculate the cost
accept new state
update the local optimal travel
decrease the temperature with the cooling rate
3. return the local optimum
A total of 472 TSP instances were computed, and the table shows the aggregated average time, solution quality, and relative error for each algorithm and dataset.
Additionally: The full_tour
column is averaged over all runs. If the value is greater than 0.5, the algorithm consistently produces valid tours for the dataset and is marked as TRUE
in this table. Otherwise, it is marked as FALSE
- Observation:
- Most datasets have median execution times under 0.05 seconds.
- Roanoke, the dataset with the largest number of points, have highest median times.
- Insights:
- MST Approximation and Local Search with simulated annealing shows efficiency across datasets.
- Brute Force algorithm dominates the runtime for larger datasets.
- Observation:
- Brute Force has the best quality across datasets, and MST Approximation has the lowest quality.
- Local Search has intermediate-quality solutions with some variability
- Insights:
- MST Approximation sacrifices solution quality for speed.
- Local Search returns near-optimal solutions, and it balances speed and quality.
- Observation:
- Brute Force has the best quality across datasets, and MST Approximation has the lowest quality.
- Local Search has intermediate-quality solutions with some variability
- Insights:
- MST Approximation sacrifices solution quality for speed.
- Local Search returns near-optimal solutions, and it balances speed and quality.
Include a top comment that explains what the given file does.
Be well-commented and self-explanatory.
Create an executable from code
- Any run of executable with the three or four inputs (filename, cut-off time,method, and if applicable based on method, seed) must produce an output file in the current working directory.
Output format:
- name:
⟨instance⟩ ⟨method⟩ ⟨cutof f ⟩ [⟨random seed⟩].sol
- file:
line 1:
, quality of best solution found line 2: list of vertex iDs for the TSP tour, comma-separated
- name:
(corresponding to the table in pdf 1){name}.zip
contain all code and execoutput/
score 1-10 and justification
gh repo clone taraliu23/CSE6140-Final-Project
pip install -r requirements.txt
or pip install scipy==1.14.1
(Only this external library is needed. It's for MST calculation :) )
cd code/
Then you can run happily!
example input: python -inst input/Atlanta.tsp -alg Approx -time 10 -seed 1
and you will get:
start exec...
algorithm: 2-Approximation with MST
Cost: 305974.47
Tour: [0, 1, 2, 16, 6, 0]
Elapsed time: 0.00 seconds
Full tour: No
Relative error: 0.00%
Results saved to output/Atlanta_Approx_10_1.sol
Log saved to output/timing_log.txt
end exec...
- Goal: balance solution quality, computational efficiency and scalability.
Identify the problem
Determine which NP-complete problem to solve(eg. independent set, 3-SAT, vertex cover, 3d-matching, 3-coloring)
Understand its structure
graph base problem? (vertex cover, independent set)
constraint satisfaction (eg. 3-SAT)
matching (eg.3d-matching)
Evaluate the constrains
size: how large is the input? (# of Vertices, clauses, or elements)
accuracy: exact solutions or approximation
Choose algorithm
exactly solve the problem: Use exact algorithms(brute force, dynamic programming, SAT solvers)
the problem size is small enough to solve using exponential-time method
need optimal solution
approximation algorithms
- the problem is too large for exact methods
- need solution that is provably close to the optimal
heuristics algorithms
the problem is too large or exact of approximation algorithms
can accept solution without performance guarantees
eg. independent set -> greedy heuristic, 3-SAT -> greedy SAT
[1]GeeksforGeeks, “Approximate solution for Travelling Salesman Problem using MST,” GeeksforGeeks, Nov. 04, 2013. Accessed: Dec. 02, 2024. [Online]. Available:
[2]“minimum_spanning_tree — SciPy v1.14.1 Manual.” Accessed: Dec. 02, 2024. [Online]. Available: