- smoothsystem-config
- smoothsystem-migration
- smoothsystem-seed
- smoothsystem-factories
- Set register authorization to true in config smoothsystem.authorization
- Register middleware 'smoothsystem.gate' => \Smoothsystem\Core\Http\Middleware\Gate::class
- Register PermissionsTableSeeder to database table seeder
- Default PermissionsTableSeeder get all route in api and set as permission
- Delete migration default (users, failed_jobs, jobs);
- Register seeds (users, roles, role_users in DatabaseSeeder)
- Factory model namespace location "Smoothsystem\Core\Entities"
- Custom factory Eloquent location in config smoothsystem.models
- Passport able to custom in config smoothsystem.passport
- For project use Passport, setting user guards in config auth.guards.api.driver to 'passport'
- After publish seeder you must be composer dump-autoload (because seed registered in cache composer)