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Miscellaneous plotting

Haibao Tang edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 6 revisions

We have included a number of visualization routines in the jcvi package that might be useful to create customized plots.

Chromosome painting

Sometimes we wish to show categories for a number of chromosome regions in a genome. Let's say we want to plot the Arabidopsis genome. First, let's make a file that contains the chromosome sizes:

Chr1	30427671
Chr2	19698289
Chr3	23459830
Chr4	18585056
Chr5	26975502

This file can be created from the genome FASTA file and save it in athaliana.sizes. Now let's add a number of interesting features:

Chr1	1000000	3000000	type A
Chr4	12000000	15000000	type A
Chr2	5000000	10000000	type B
Chr5	20000000	22000000	type B
Chr2	15000000	18000000	LINE/SINE
Chr5	13000000	15000000	LINE/SINE
Chr3	2000000	3500000	LTR

This is known as the bed format, which must be tab-separated. Note that we use the functional class as the feature name. Since there are 4 classes, there will be 4 colors, one for each color. The command we use is:

python -m features.bed \
    --size=athaliana.sizes --title="*Arabidopsis* genome features" --gauge


What if we want to include centromeres? Append the following lines to features.bed:

Chr1	14511721	14538721	centromere
Chr2	3611838	3611883	centromere
Chr3	13589756	13589816	centromere
Chr4	3133663	3133674	centromere
Chr5	11194537	11194848	centromere

Run the above command again, now with features indicating where the centromeres are. We have the following output:


Some users may wish to change the labels or the colors of the features. In that case, use a .idmap file which is another tab-separated file for example athaliana.idmap:

type A	TA	#984EA3
type B	TB	#FF7F00

Column 2 is the legend label, while column 3 is the desired color. We then pass this file to the command line:

python -m features.bed athaliana.idmap \
    --size=athaliana.sizes --title="*Arabidopsis* genome features" --gauge
