Make sure you have Ruby and Rails installed:
- Rails version 8.0.1
- Ruby version 3.3.4
Clone using SSH or HTTPS
Change into the app directory once in the cloned repository directory
cd app
bundle install
In order to access our OAuth client you need to add the key into your environment. Run the following command
EDITOR=nano rails credentials:edit
This will create the file config/master.key Replace the contents of this file with
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
Finally run
rails server
to run the application locally
Cucumber Tests
bundle exec cucumber
RSpec Tests
bundle exec rspec
Login into Heroku CLI with your account
heroku login
Create the application on your Heroku account
heroku apps:create
Make Master Key Available on Heroku
heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=`cat config/master.key`
Provision a Database
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:essential-0
Push to heroku
git push heroku main
Migrate the Database
heroku run bundle exec rails db:migrate
Seed the Database
heroku run bundle exec rails db:seed
Launch the app in production
heroku open
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