Recommendation engines for developers, easy as π. Build blazing fast, head-scratchingly accurate hosted recommendation engines in minutes.
The Tamber iOS SDK makes it easy to track events (user-item interactions) and get recommendations for your users inside your iOS app.
Get a free api key to get started.
Our SDK is compatible with iOS 8.0 and above. It requires Xcode 8.0+ to build the source.
This ReadMe covers the basics of using the Tamber iOS SDK. Check out the sdk documentation for a comprehensive look at the classes and methods, and the full API Reference for Tamber documentation.
Install Tamber with CocoaPods. If you do not yet have a Podfile for your project, $ cd
into your project directory and run $ pod init
Add this line to your Podfile:
pod 'Tamber'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
If you are just getting started, check out the Quick Start guide for instructions on how to get setup.
To begin tracking events, set your publishable project key.
#import "AppDelegate.h"
@import Tamber;
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[Tamber setPublishableProjectKey:@"your_project_key"];
// do any other necessary launch configuration
return YES;
Set the User wherever you load your user's unique ID from your backend, or wherever you load user ids from.
[Tamber setUser:@"user_id"];
Stream events to your Tamber project as the user interacts with items in your app.
TMBItem *item = [TMBItem itemWithId:@"item_id"
@"title":@"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress",
@"img_url":@" Mistress.jpg",
@"stock":[NSNumber numberWithInteger:34]
tags:@[@"sci-fi", @"bestseller"]
TMBEventParams *params = [TMBEventParams eventWithItem:item behavior:@"like" context:@{@"page": @"homepage", @"section": @"featured"}];
[[Tamber client] trackEvent:params responseCompletion:^(TMBEventResponse *object, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
// Handle error
} else {[0] // Event tracked
object.recs // Returns updated recommendations if params.getRecs is set - [params setGetRecs:<TMBDiscoverParams>]
You may also set the item to just the unique ID of the item, but this will limit the capabilities of your engine.
TMBEventParams *params = [TMBEventParams eventWithItem:@"item_id" behavior:@"like"];
Once you have seeded some events and created your engine, you can start pulling user recommendations into your app.
To get recommendations for the user to show on a homepage, or in any recommended section:
TMBDiscoverParams *params = [TMBDiscoverParams discoverRecommended:[NSNumber numberWithInt:8]];
[[Tamber client] discoverNext:params responseCompletion:^(TMBDiscoverResponse *object, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
// Handle error
} else {
for(TMBDiscovery *discovery in object.discoveries){
discovery.item // Recommended item id
discovery.score // Recommendation score (relative to other results, not a predicted rating)
To get similar items for an 'up next' section on an item page:
TMBDiscoverParams *params = [TMBDiscoverParams discoverNext:@"item_id" number:[NSNumber numberWithInt:10]];
[[Tamber client] discoverNext:params responseCompletion:^(TMBDiscoverResponse *object, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
// Handle error
} else {
for(TMBDiscovery *discovery in object.discoveries){
discovery.item // Recommended item id
discovery.score // Recommendation score (relative to other results, not a predicted rating)
If you are setting properties for your items, you can include these properties in recommendation responses to simplify data handling. For example, you might have title
, img
, and price
properties that you can use to display items to users without needing to make an additional request for each recommendation.
TMBDiscoverParams *params = [TMBDiscoverParams alloc] discoverNext:[NSNumber numberWithInt:50] getProperties:true];
[[Tamber client] discoverNext:params responseCompletion:^(TMBDiscoverResponse *object, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
// Handle error
} else {
for(TMBDiscovery *discovery in object.discoveries){
discovery.item // Recommended item id
discovery.score // Recommendation score (relative to other results, not a predicted rating) // Dictionary of item properties
If your app allows users to interact with content before creating an account, or when they are logged out, but you have some unique identifier (like the device id) you may set the user to this id and track events as normal. Then, when the user creates an account or logs in, you can merge
the anonymous user into the logged-in user.
// At app launch / wherever appropriate in your code
[Tamber setUser:@"anonymous-device-id"];
// On signup/login:
NSString *toUser = @"user-id"; // The id of the user to which you want to merge.
[[Tamber client] mergeToUser:toUser responseCompletion:^(TMBUser *object, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
// Handle error. Note that mergeToUser internally sets the default user to the `toUser`.
} else { // Array of merged user events (`TMBEvent` objects)
object.metadata // Dictionary of the merged user metadata. Note that field-value conflicts default to the `toUser`.
We recommend creating test users during testing. To do this, simply call the makeTestUser
#define DEV_MODE true
[Tamber setUser:@"testing-user-id"];
[Tamber makeTestUser];