Referral marketing is one of the most powerful strategies for ecommerce sales growth. Talkable provides a rich platform for referral marketing. You can integrate sophisticated referral marketing into your own ecommerce site using the Talkable Ruby gem for a Rails or Sinatra application.
See an example application at
See a live demo at
The gem requires:
- Ruby version 3.1 or newer
- Rack version 2.2 or newer
For integration with:
- Ruby on Rails 6.1 or newer
- Sinatra 3.0 or newer
Add to your project Gemfile:
gem "talkable"
Then run:
$ bundle install
The Talkable gem provides a Ruby On Rails generator to automate the integration process.
$ rails generate talkable:install
Your Talkable site slug: spree-example
Your Talkable API Key: SOME-API-KEY
Do you have a custom domain? [Y/n] n
The Talkable "site slug" is your Account Name (the name of your website, brand or company). You'll also need an API key which you'll find on the Account Settings page when you log in to your account. The generator will ask if you have a custom domain. If your website has a domain like or, you can answer, "no." If your website is at, you have a custom domain.
The generator adds and modifies several files:
create config/initializers/talkable.rb
insert app/controllers/application_controller.rb
insert app/controllers/application_controller.rb
create app/views/shared
create app/views/shared/_talkable_offer.html.erb
insert app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
create app/controllers/invite_controller.rb
create app/views/invite/show.html.erb
route get '/invite' => 'invite#show'
Here are the steps that are automated by the Ruby On Rails generator.
You'll need an initializer file to set the Talkable API configuration variables.
### config/initializers/talkable.rb
Talkable.configure do |config|
# site slug is taken form ENV["TALKABLE_SITE_SLUG"]
config.site_slug = "spree-example"
# api key is taken from ENV["TALKABLE_API_KEY"]
# config.api_key =
# custom server address - by default
# config.server =
# manually specified per-client integration library
# config.js_integration_library =
For security, you should set these configuration variables from the Unix environment or use the Rails encrypted credentials feature so the API key isn't stored in your GitHub repository.
Here's how you can add Talkable middleware manually.
Note that if you're using Devise, it's important to load Talkable middleware before Warden::Manager
, otherwise you can just go with app.middleware.use Talkable::Middleware
if defined? ::Warden::Manager
app.middleware.insert_before Warden::Manager, Talkable::Middleware
app.middleware.use Talkable::Middleware
Add code to retrieve a campaign and display a referral offer on every page of the application.
### app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_action :load_talkable_offer
def load_talkable_offer
origin = Talkable.register_affiliate_member
@offer ||= origin.offer if origin
### app/views/shared/_talkable_offer.html.erb
<%- options ||= {} %>
<%- if offer %>
<%== offer.advocate_share_iframe(options) %>
<% end -%>
You can add an invite page by implementing an Invite Controller, with route and view files.
Add a route to the config/routes.rb file:
get '/invite' => 'invite#show'
### app/controllers/invite_controller.rb
class InviteController < ApplicationController
def show
# Make sure you have configured Campaign Placements at Talkable site
# or explicitly specify campaign tags
# origin = Talkable.register_affiliate_member(campaign_tags: 'invite')
origin = Talkable.register_affiliate_member
@offer = origin.offer if origin
### app/views/invite/show.html.erb
<div id="talkable-inline-offer-container"></div>
<%= render 'shared/talkable_offer',
offer: @invite_offer,
options: {iframe: {container: 'talkable-inline-offer-container'}} %>
offer = origin.offer
offer.claim_links # => { facebook: "", sms: "" }
Provide iframe options to show a share page in specific place.
<div id="talkable-inline-offer-container"></div>
<%== offer.advocate_share_iframe(iframe: {container: 'talkable-inline-offer-container'}) %>
See the API docs for full details.
- Registering a purchase
- Registering other events
- Working with referrals
- Working with shares
- More API examples
Here's how to register a purchase. We recommend you have submitted purchases for closing a referral loop.
email: '',
order_number: 'ORDER-12345',
subtotal: 123.45,
coupon_code: 'SALE10', # optional
ip_address: request.remote_ip, # optional
shipping_zip: '94103', # optional
shipping_address: '290 Division St., Suite 405, San Francisco, California, 94103, United States', # optional
items: do |item|
price: item.price,
quantity: item.quantity,
product_id: item.product_id,
title: item.title,
end # optional
Here's how to register other events.
email: '',
event_number: 'N12345',
event_category: 'user_signuped',
subtotal: 123.45, # optional
coupon_code: 'SALE10', # optional
ip_address: request.remote_ip, # optional
shipping_zip: '94103', # optional
shipping_address: '290 Division St., Suite 405, San Francisco, California, 94103, United States', # optional
items: do |item|
price: item.price,
quantity: item.quantity,
product_id: item.product_id,
title: item.title,
end # optional
Talkable.unblock_referral('test-slug'), channel: Talkable::API::Share::VIA_SMS), channel: Talkable::API::Share::SEND_EMAIL, recipients: ',', subject: 'Hello!', body: 'World!', reminder: false)
When sharing via email, the email channel is set to default because for now email is the only channel for direct shares.
Here are more API examples.
Talkable::API::Person.update(email, unsubscribed: true)
Talkable::API::Reward.find(visitor_uuid: '8fdf75ac-92b4-479d-9974-2f9c64eb2e09')
For more information see the tests.
If you've got questions about integration, or need any other information, please feel free to open an issue so we can reply. Found a bug? Go ahead and submit an issue.