Social marketing platform that allows users to make money off their network as simple as sharing a photo on Instagram.
Windows is not supported, period.
Install React Native by following the instructions on the official website (React Native CLI Quickstart).
For Android dev we suggest you to use Pixel 3 XL
with Android Oreo (API 28) or higher
as simulator device.
On MacOS, update your /etc/hosts
file with: backend.ambassador.localhost phpmyadmin.ambassador.localhost
Next run the following command:
$ make up
Go to http://backend.ambassador.localhost and create a doctrine user.
Then go to Utils > Patches management > View patches list
and run all database patches (including test_data
Next build the back office source code using:
$ make backend-bash
$ yarn dev
Note: a watcher is also available: yarn watch
Go to sources/app
and run the following commands:
$ yarn install
$ cp App/Config/ App/Config/index.js
$ react-native link
Then inside App/Config/index.js
, change X.X.X.X
to your local IP address.
On MacOS, launch your emulator with Xcode.
Finally, build your app and start it with:
$ yarn start
$ react-native run-ios
On Linux, launch your emulator with Android Studio, OR using the following command:
$ emulator -list-avds
$ emulator @Pixel_3_XL_API_28 &
Finally, build your app and start it with:
$ yarn start
$ react-native run-android
Simply run the following command:
$ make test
Or the following commands if you want to run tests separately (see Makefile
for more info) :
$ make test-front
$ make test-back
// TODO unit tests?