View Ansible documentation without leaving Vim.
Use your favorite plugin manager, such as vim-plug:
Plug 'takelley1/ansible-doc.vim'
Run one of the following commands when your cursor is over the name of an Ansible module:
Command | Description |
:AnsibleDocFloat |
Open documentation in a floating window (Neovim only), |
:AnsibleDocSplit |
..or in a horizontal split, |
:AnsibleDocVSplit |
..or a vertical split. |
You can map these commands however you like, such as:
nnoremap <leader>d :AnsibleDocFloat<CR>C-L>
nnoremap <leader>v :AnsibleDocVSplit<CR>C-L>
The following mappings are available in windows and splits created by this plugin:
Mapping | Description |
<space> |
Page-down |
b |
Page-up |
q , Q , <CR> , or <Esc> |
Close window |
Enable/disable extra key mappings (default is 1
let g:ansibledoc_extra_mappings = 1
Modify the floating window's size and position (default is below):
let g:ansibledoc_float_opts = {
\ 'relative': 'editor',
\ 'style': 'minimal',
\ 'width': float2nr(round(0.45 * &columns)),
\ 'height': float2nr(round(0.75 * &lines)),
\ 'col': float2nr(round(0.27 * &columns)),
\ 'row': float2nr(round(0.07 * &lines)),
\ }
Enable/disable text wrapping in windows created by this plugin (default is 0
let g:ansibledoc_wrap_text = 0