1 - Feb - 2023
React + Tailwind CSS | Live Link
after clone or download, for install
dependencies, please type at terminal...
& to start
or run
this application, please type...
yarn dev
- Vite
- React
- React-icons
- Tailwind CSS
- yarn create vite
- yarn add -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
- yarn add -D react-icons
- yarn add -D react-router-dom
- yarn add -D @headlessui/react
- npx tailwindcss init -p
- File & folder structure
- CSS writing structure
- Responsive mobile menu
- Searching mechanism
- Parent hover child effect...
- Show search result number
- Reset search result
- 404 Page not found add
- Auto navigation to home page
- Usage of headless-ui
- FAQ accordion add
- Client side pagination
- Related Search
- Image gallery
Note: context api file name extension must be '.jsx' - not '.js'
otherwise it will be generate error at runtime...
├── assets
| ├── img/...
| | ├── agents/...
| | ├── apartments/...
| | ├── faq/...
| | └── houses/...
| |
| └── index.js
├── components
| ├── AccordionItem.jsx
| ├── Banner.jsx
| ├── DropdownCountry.jsx
| ├── DropdownPriceRange.jsx
| ├── DropdownProperty.jsx
| ├── FAQ.jsx
| ├── Footer.jsx
| ├── Header.jsx
| ├── House.jsx
| ├── HouseList.jsx
| ├── index.js
| ├── PageNotFound.jsx
| ├── Pagination.jsx
| ├── RelatedSearch.jsx
| └── Search.jsx
├── constants
| └── index.js
├── context
| └── HouseContext.jsx
├── db
| └── data.js
├── helper
| ├── getImageName.js
| └── getSearchResults.js
├── pages
| ├── Home.jsx
| ├── index.js
| └── PropertyDetails.jsx
├── style
| └── index.css
├── App.jsx
└── main.jsx