#UFT URL TEST Steps from command Prompt
Step1 - Clone the given repository in your local machine or instance or Pass the Git Master Repository URL in VerifyNow.
GIT Repo Name - https://github.com/reancloud/urltest-uft
Step2 - Make sure you have installed following software in your Instance or local Machine.
A - HP UFT12.x
B - Python2.x Note : Make sure these two are installed in System(Windows-Path)
Step3 - Set the environment variable from command prompt.
A- Go to Run
B- Type Powershell.exe
C- Power Shell will be open.
D- C:\users>$env: TEST_URL = "" press Enter
Note : Make sure you didn't get any error while pressed enter.
Step4 - Go to power shell again and run below command. ( Make sure you have setup Environment variable and run vbs file on same shell only)
PS C:> Cscript "Path of RunURLTest.vbs script where you have cloned from GIT " "Path of UFT test case folder " Press Enter
This will do following task.
A- Set the Report folder <"C:/users"> , where the reports will be generates.
B- Run the UFT test case from command prompt , this will use environment variable that we have passed in @step3.
C- Wait until UFT complete the test case , then it will start a Python converter file from command prompt that will convert reports from XML to Json.