Python3 script to decode HID USB data. Read from a file containing values (hex format 8 bytes) per line
Run the script using the following command:
python3 .\ file_to_decode.txt
AA => Modifier keys status
BB => Reserved field
CC => keypress #1
DD => keypress #2
EE => keypress #3
FF => keypress #4
GG => keypress #5
HH => keypress #6
This byte is a bitfield, where each bit corresponds to a specific modifier key. When a bit is set to 1, the corresponding modifier key is being pressed. Unlike PS/2 keyboards, USB keyboards don't have "scancodes" for modifier keys.
0x01 => Left Ctrl.
0x02 => Left Shift.
0x03 => Left Alt.
0x04 => Left GUI (Windows/Super key.)
0x05 => Right Ctrl.
0x06 => Right Shift.
0x07 => Right Alt.
0x08 => Right GUI (Windows/Super key.)
When software receives an interrupt and, for example, one of the Shift modifier keys are set to 1, software should use the scancode table for the shift modification to get the key from the scancode.
This byte is reserved by the USB HID specification, and thus software should ignore it.
One keyboard report can indicate up to 6 keypresses. All these values are unsigned 8-bit values (unlike PS/2 scancodes, which are mostly 7-bit) which indicate the key being pressed. A reference on the USB scancode to ASCII character conversion table is in the bottom of the article.
Decoding a usb pcap
usb hid tshark pcap usbpcap wireshark scancode decode