A small structured logging library for Golang. Documentation is available at GoDoc.
Master branch is the stable production-ready branch.
- Only standard library dependencies
- Output configurations can be modified at runtime
- Default formatter formats log messages as JSON encoded string. Custom formatters can be used.
package main
import (
func main() {
// register an io.Writer in the DefaultRouter
// everything that is not a debug message will be written to stdout
Id: "stdout1",
Writer: os.Stdout,
Formatter: nil,
Filter: log.Not(log.Eq("level", "debug")),
// optional error callback in the DefaultRouter for debugging purposes
log.OnError(func(err error, fields log.Fields, o log.Output) {
fmt.Printf("%v: %+v: %+v", err, fields, o)
// create a logger
logger := log.LoggerConfig{
// TimeFormat: time.RFC3339, // optional, see standard time package for custom formats
Name: "loggername", // optional, name of the logger
UTC: true, // optional, use UTC rather than local time zone
FileLine: log.ShortFileLine, // optional, include file and line number
SortFields: true, // optional, sort field keys in increasing order
Router: nil, // optional, defaults to log.DefaultRouter
// produce some log messages
"level": "info",
"user": log.Fields{
"id": 1,
"username": "admin",
"activated": true,
"projects": []string{"p1", "p2", "p3"},
"level": "debug",
"details": "...",
// output reconfiguration in the DefaultRouter
// for example disable filtering on Stdout
Id: "stdout1",
Writer: os.Stdout,
Formatter: nil,
Filter: nil,
// Output:
// {"activated":true,"file":"example_test.go:44","level":"info","logger":"loggername","projects":["p1","p2","p3"],"user":{"id":1,"username":"admin"}}