- Improved JSON check
- Included UI to notify about content not highlighted due to oversize
- Bugfix: The character
is special, to be used insidereplace
the regular expressions must be escaped with another$
(issue #83)
- Included dracula and dracula-custom theme (issue #82)
- Included mehdi theme (issue #81)
- Improved selection background for some themes
- Bugfix: disabled cursor when on readOnly (closes #74)
- Bugfix: doesn't load CSS when content is not JSON (closes #66)
- Bugfix: Custom search is changing values with the highlight marks (closes #48)
- Option to disable auto highlight (issue #76)
- Bugfix: JSONP matcher matching agains wrong payload
- Support for payloads with
- Alert about JSON size above maxJsonSize (issue #62)
- Option to disable clickable URLs (issue #63)
- Bugfix: default
indentCStyle: false
, it should have been since the beginning - Bugfix: read-only mode shouldn't allows paste (issue #54)
- Bugfix: array data that has a parentheses immediately adjacent to text throws an error
- Bugfix: highlight of JSONP callbacks which contains numbers
- Option to sort json by keys (thanks to @North101)
- New theme (yeti)
- Updated CodeMirror (now it preserves the last search query)
- Included scratch pad, a new area which you can type/paste JSON and format indefinitely using a button or key shortcut. To access type json-viewer + TAB + scratch pad ENTER
- Bugfix: Javascript NO-BREAK SPACE \u00a0 is converting to  character (chrome canary)
- Customizable tab size
- Option for C-style braces and arrays
- Handle JSONP returns that begin with a comment (thanks to @benhollander)
- Bugfix: fixed an issue where numbers with exponent were incorrectly parsed
- Included description of "prependHeader" add-on
- Included version number into options page
- Bugfix: fixed the problem with Number.MAX_VALUE in all scenarios, used solution proposed by @alexlopashev
- Bugfix: new versions of chrome (45.0.2442.0 canary (64-bit)) have changed the format of the value hold by
:before content
, using a safe approach to check the CSS load (many thanks to @Wideshanks) - Removed outline from settings page
- Increased loadCSS max wait to 2s
- Enabled browser search on raw content
- Bugfix: fixed an issue with Number.MAX_VALUE replace fix
- Bugfix: allowing private and local networks with url-pattern
- Sorted themes by darkness
- New theme (material)
- Better default font for snippets in options page (improved for windows users)
- Better default font-family
- Fixed typos with "alwaysFold" and "alwaysRenderAllContent"
- Fixed a bug where the decoding to allow numbers bigger than Number.MAX_VALUE breaks JSON files without numbers
- Fixed numbers bigger than Number.MAX_VALUE being rounded
- Included search (also by regex)
- Included option to render all content and use the browser search
- Improved reliability of the code which migrates the old options to the new ones
- Fixed a long problem with UTF-8 Characters
- Clickable URLs with a better matcher
- Rewritten
- New logo
- Based on CodeMirror (~10x more performance)
- New themes (21 built-in)
- Highlighted/raw toggle button
- Clickable URLs
- Line numbers (optional)
- Accepts custom CSS
- Button to unfold everything when alwaysFold true
- Options to customize text wrap, gutters, etc
- Removed clickable URLs. Just while I think in a better solution
- Increased Max JSON size default from 200kb to 400kb
- Included reset button to options page
- Allow nested JSONP's by https://github.com/bluec0re
- Fixed arrow state when using option "Always fold from second level"
- Better arrow closed state
- Included the keyword 'json-viewer' into the Omnibox to highlight anonymous json content
- Gear icon to options page is now 10% visible to helps users find it
- Added an easy way to access the options page
- Added arrows up/down in foldable code
- Option to configure the font-size
- Fixed a bug where content with tags inside was being omitted - ex: {"sldXml": "#FF0000"}
- Jellybeans theme by Thiago Pontes (https://github.com/thiagopnts)
- Keep settings when switching themes by Thiago Pontes (https://github.com/thiagopnts)
- Collapsible nodes
- Option to activate/deactivate nodes always collapsed (from 2º level)
- Option to activate/deactivate the header (timestamp + url)
- Options page
- Six more themes and the ability to change between them
- bugfix: activate only on json/jsonp sources
- Better json key parser
- Max JSON size option (default: 200 kb)
- Uses event page to process the highlight
- First release with one theme