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Kyle Medley edited this page Nov 28, 2017 · 48 revisions

I can't import libsbml, libsedml, or libcombine in Tellurium.

  • These packages are available under the names tesbml, tesedml, and tecombine so as not to conflict with the official packages.

After installing Tellurium notebook a second time, I get a message saying "The Tellurium Python kernel failed to start. It may be missing or non-functional. Your Tellurium installation may be corrupt"

  • Please wipe out or move your app data directory:
    • On Windows, it is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Tellurium (or something similar).
    • On Mac, it is ~/Library/Application Support/Tellurium (please note the space, which needs to be escaped if using the shell)
    • On Linux, it is ~/.config/Tellurium

On Mac, after downloading Tellurium, I can't open it because it is from an unidentified developer.

Mac OS X Gatekeeper Screenshot

  • Apple requires all developers to pay $100/year for an account. This poses a problem for academic free/open-source software, which is typically maintained on a pro bono basis. You can bypass this message as follows:
    • Open the Terminal app from the /Applications/Utilities/ folder and then enter the following command:
      • sudo spctl --master-disable
    • Hit return and authenticate with an admin password

Does Tellurium support constraint-based modeling?

  • Tellurium does not have built-in support for constraint-based modeling per se. However, cobrapy is a Python package which does support constraint-based modeling. It can be installed in Tellurium by running the following Python code:
import tellurium as te

After installing cobra, you can import it like so:

import cobra

Can notebooks saved with the Tellurium notebook viewer be used with Jupyter?

Are the Tellurium packages signed?

  • The PyPI packages are signed with Kyle Medley's GPG key: 9BE0E97B

Which SBML packages are supported?

  • Due to an issue in libSEDML, we currently build libSBML with legacy math. This precludes the Arrays, Multi, and Spatial packages. All other packages are available.