diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml index b14e18d2aa..7bf37d411b 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/main.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ jobs: fail-fast: false matrix: platform: - - name: macos-11-release + - name: macos-12-release os_type: macos - os_name: macos-11 + os_name: macos-12 build_type: Release build_python: ON - - name: macos-11-debug + - name: macos-12-debug os_type: macos - os_name: macos-11 + os_name: macos-12 build_type: Debug build_python: OFF - name: macos-14-release @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ jobs: fi - name: Setup Ninja - uses: seanmiddleditch/gha-setup-ninja@master + uses: seanmiddleditch/gha-setup-ninja@v4 - name: Get Host Architecture shell: bash diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 29eb8a3244..0000000000 --- a/azure-pipelines.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1187 +0,0 @@ -# Starter pipeline -# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code. -# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more: -# https://aka.ms/yaml -name: $(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r) - -# specific branch build -trigger: - branches: - include: - - develop - - release - -variables: - SOURCE_DIR: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)' # eg /home/vsts/work/1/s - BUILD_DIR: '$(SOURCE_DIR)/build' - INSTALL_DIR: '$(SOURCE_DIR)/roadrunner-$(Agent.OS)' - LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX: '$(SOURCE_DIR)/llvm' # e.g./home/vsts/work/1 - DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX: '$(SOURCE_DIR)/libroadrunner-deps' # e.g./home/vsts/work/1 - SWIG_SOURCE_DIR: '$(SOURCE_DIR)/swig' - SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX: '$(SWIG_SOURCE_DIR)/install-azure' - SWIG_EXECUTABLE: '$(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX)/bin/swig' - -stages: -######################################################################## -# MacOS Build -# - - stage: MacBuildRoadrunnerCpp - dependsOn: [] - jobs: - - job: MacBuildRoadrunnerCpp - timeoutInMinutes: "0" - displayName: MacBuildRoadrunnerCpp - continueOnError: "false" - strategy: - matrix: - 64-bit Mac Release x86: - BuildType: Release - LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_11_7_x86_64.zip' - vmImage: macOS-11 - arch: x86_64 - 64-bit Mac Debug x86: - BuildType: Debug - LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_11_7_x86_64.zip' - vmImage: macOS-11 - arch: x86_64 - # 64-bit Mac Release M1: - # BuildType: Release - # LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_13_2_arm64.zip' - # vmImage: macOS-14 - # arch: arm64 - # 64-bit Mac Debug M1: - # BuildType: Debug - # LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_13_2_arm64.zip' - # vmImage: macOS-14 - # arch: arm64 - pool: - vmImage: $(vmImage) - variables: - LLVM_CACHE: 'false' - PythonName: 'py39' - LLVM_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE : '$(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX)/bin/llvm-config' - MinicondaRoot : '/usr/local/miniconda' - PythonRoot: '$(MinicondaRoot)/envs/$(PythonName)' - PythonLibDir: '$(PythonRoot)/lib' - PythonExecutable: '$(PythonRoot)/bin/python' - CondaExecutable: '$(MinicondaRoot)/condabin/conda' - PipExecutable: '$(PythonRoot)/bin/pip' - steps: - - checkout: self - submodules: recursive - - script: | - echo "SOURCE_DIR $(SOURCE_DIR)" - echo "BUILD_DIR $(BUILD_DIR)" - echo "INSTALL_DIR $(INSTALL_DIR)" - echo "LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - echo "DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - echo "Build.DefinitionName $(Build.DefinitionName)" - echo "System.DefinitionId $(System.DefinitionId)" - echo "Agent.OS $(Agent.OS)" - - echo "System.AccessToken $(System.AccessToken)" - echo "System.CollectionId $(System.CollectionId)" - echo "System.CollectionUri $(System.CollectionUri)" - echo "System.DefaultWorkingDirectory $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)" - echo "System.DefinitionId $(System.DefinitionId)" - echo "System.HostType $(System.HostType)" - echo "System.JobAttempt $(System.JobAttempt)" - echo "System.JobDisplayName $(System.JobDisplayName)" - echo "System.JobId $(System.JobId)" - echo "System.JobName $(System.JobName)" - echo "System.PhaseAttempt $(System.PhaseAttempt)" - echo "System.PhaseDisplayName $(System.PhaseDisplayName)" - echo "System.PhaseName $(System.PhaseName)" - echo "System.StageAttempt $(System.StageAttempt)" - echo "System.StageDisplayName $(System.StageDisplayName)" - echo "System.StageName $(System.StageName)" - echo "System.PullRequest.IsFork $(System.PullRequest.IsFork)" - echo "System.PullRequest.PullRequestId $(System.PullRequest.PullRequestId)" - echo "System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber $(System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber)" - echo "System.PullRequest.SourceBranch $(System.PullRequest.SourceBranch)" - echo "System.PullRequest.SourceRepositoryURI $(System.PullRequest.SourceRepositoryURI)" - echo "System.PullRequest.TargetBranch $(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)" - echo "System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri $(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri)" - echo "System.TeamProject $(System.TeamProject)" - echo "System.TeamProjectId $(System.TeamProjectId)" - echo "TF_BUILD $(TF_BUILD)" - displayName: Print Variables - - script: | - mkdir $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - displayName: Make Directories - - - bash: echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$CONDA/bin" - displayName: Add conda to PATH - - # On Hosted macOS, the agent user doesn't have ownership of Miniconda's installation directory/ - # We need to take ownership if we want to update conda or install packages globally - - bash: sudo chown -R $USER $CONDA - displayName: Take ownership of conda installation - - script: | - echo "cd to source dir: $(SOURCE_DIR)" - cd $(SOURCE_DIR) - echo "ls" - ls - echo "which conda" - which conda - echo "cd miniconda root: $(MinicondaRoot)" - cd $(MinicondaRoot) - echo "ls" - ls - $(CondaExecutable) create --quiet --yes --name $(PythonName) python=$(PythonVersion) -c conda-forge - displayName: InstallCondaEnv - - - script: | - $(PipExecutable) install requests - $(PythonExecutable) ./.azurepipelines/getLLVM.py $(LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK) $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) - echo "give execute permissions to llvm-config using chmod 777 *" - cd $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX)/bin - chmod 777 llvm-config - displayName: "Get LLVM" -# condition: ne(variables.LLVM_CACHE, 'true') - - - - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 - # In this task we go and grab the build artefacts from - # the libroadrunner-dependencies package - inputs: - source: 'specific' - project: 'libroadrunner-deps' - # pipeline is found in the url when looking at azure in browser. - # for example, it looks like this: - # - https://dev.azure.com/TheRoadrunnerProject/libroadrunner-deps/_build?definitionId=9 - pipeline: 9 - runVersion: 'latest' - artifact: libroadrunner-deps-$(Agent.OS)-$(BuildType)-$(arch) - path: $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - displayName: Download libroadrunner-deps install artifacts - - script: | - echo "$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - echo "cd to $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - cd $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - echo "ls: " - ls - echo "moving contents of $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install to $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - mv $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install-azure/$(BuildType)/** . - rm -r $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install-azure - ls - displayName: Move Dependencies - - script: | - echo "Configuring roadrunner" - echo "mkdir build directory: $(BUILD_DIR)" - mkdir $(BUILD_DIR) - echo "CD to build dir: $(BUILD_DIR)" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - cmake -DLLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DRR_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_DIR) -DBUILD_RR_PLUGINS=ON -DBUILD_RR_CAPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$(BuildType) -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="x86_64" .. - displayName: Run CMake Configure Command - - script: | - echo "less -N $(BUILD_DIR)/source/CMakeFiles/roadrunner.dir/build.make" - less -N "$(BUILD_DIR)/source/CMakeFiles/roadrunner.dir/build.make" - echo "Building roadrunner" - echo "cd to build dir" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - cmake --build . --target install --config $(BuildType) -j 12 - displayName: Run CMake Build Command - - script: | - echo "cd to build dir $(BUILD_DIR)" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - if [ "$(BuildType)" == "Release" ]; then - ctest --verbose --extra-verbose --progress - fi - displayName: RunCTest - - task: CopyFiles@2 - inputs: - contents: '$(INSTALL_DIR)/**' - targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) - displayName: Copy to Staging Area - - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) - artifact: roadrunner-MacOS11-$(BuildType) - displayName: Publish - - - stage: MacBuildRoadrunnerPython - dependsOn: [] - jobs: - - job: MacBuildRoadrunnerPython - timeoutInMinutes: "0" - displayName: MacBuildRoadrunnerPython - continueOnError: "false" - strategy: - matrix: - py39, x86: - LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_11_7_x86_64.zip' - vmImage: macOS-11 - arch: x86_64 - PythonVersion: 3.9 - PythonName: py39 - py310, x86: - LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_11_7_x86_64.zip' - vmImage: macOS-11 - arch: x86_64 - PythonVersion: 3.10 - PythonName: py310 - py311, x86: - LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_11_7_x86_64.zip' - vmImage: macOS-11 - arch: x86_64 - PythonVersion: 3.11 - PythonName: py311 - py312, x86: - LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_11_7_x86_64.zip' - vmImage: macOS-11 - arch: x86_64 - PythonVersion: 3.12 - PythonName: py312 - # py39, arm64: - # LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_13_2_arm64.zip' - # vmImage: macOS-11 - # arch: arm64_64 - # PythonVersion: 3.9 - # PythonName: py39 - # py310, arm64: - # LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_13_2_arm64.zip' - # vmImage: macOS-11 - # arch: arm64_64 - # PythonVersion: 3.10 - # PythonName: py310 - # py311, arm64: - # LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_13_2_arm64.zip' - # vmImage: macOS-11 - # arch: arm64_64 - # PythonVersion: 3.11 - # PythonName: py311 - # py312, arm64: - # LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-macosx_13_2_arm64.zip' - # vmImage: macOS-11 - # arch: arm64_64 - # PythonVersion: 3.12 - # PythonName: py312 - pool: - vmImage: $(vmImage) - variables: - MinicondaRoot : '/usr/local/miniconda' - PythonRoot: '$(MinicondaRoot)/envs/$(PythonName)' - PythonLibDir: '$(PythonRoot)/lib' - PythonExecutable: '$(PythonRoot)/bin/python' - CondaExecutable: '$(MinicondaRoot)/condabin/conda' - PipExecutable: '$(PythonRoot)/bin/pip' - SWIG_CACHE: 'false' - MINICONDA_CACHE: 'false' - LLVM_CACHE: 'false' - steps: - - checkout: self - submodules: recursive - - bash: echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$CONDA/bin" - displayName: Add conda to PATH - - # On Hosted macOS, the agent user doesn't have ownership of Miniconda's installation directory/ - # We need to take ownership if we want to update conda or install packages globally - - bash: sudo chown -R $USER $CONDA - displayName: Take ownership of conda installation - - script: | - echo "cd to source dir: $(SOURCE_DIR)" - cd $(SOURCE_DIR) - echo "ls" - ls - echo "which conda" - which conda - echo "cd miniconda root: $(MinicondaRoot)" - cd $(MinicondaRoot) - echo "ls" - ls - $(CondaExecutable) create --quiet --yes --name $(PythonName) python=$(PythonVersion) -c conda-forge - echo "running: $(PipExecutable) install -r $(SOURCE_DIR)/test-requirements.txt" - $(PipExecutable) install -r $(SOURCE_DIR)/test-requirements.txt - displayName: InstallCondaEnv - - script: | - which conda - which python - echo "PythonVersion $(PythonVersion)" - echo "PythonName $(PythonName)" - echo "MinicondaRoot $(MinicondaRoot)" - echo "PythonRoot $(PythonRoot)" - echo "PythonLibDir $(PythonLibDir)" - echo "CondaExecutable $(CondaExecutable)" - displayName: PrintPythonVariables - - script: | - mkdir $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - displayName: Make Directories - - script: | - $(PipExecutable) install requests - $(PythonExecutable) ./.azurepipelines/getLLVM.py $(LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK) $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) - echo "give execute permissions to llvm-config using chmod 777 *" - cd $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX)/bin - chmod 777 llvm-config - displayName: "Get LLVM" -# condition: ne(variables.LLVM_CACHE, 'true') - - - - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 - inputs: - source: 'specific' - project: 'libroadrunner-deps' - pipeline: 9 - runVersion: 'latest' - artifact: libroadrunner-deps-$(Agent.OS)-Release-$(arch) - path: $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - displayName: Download libroadrunner-deps install artifacts - - script: | - echo "$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - echo "cd to $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - cd $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - echo "ls: " - ls - echo "moving contents of $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install to $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - mv $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install-azure/Release/** . - rm -r $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install-azure - ls - displayName: Move Dependencies -# - task: Cache@2 -# inputs: -# key: "Swig | $(Agent.OS)" -# path: $(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX) -# cacheHitVar: SWIG_CACHE -# displayName: Cache Swig-4.0.2 - - script: | - echo "installing pcre" - brew install pcre pcre2 - mkdir -p $(SWIG_SOURCE_DIR) - echo "cd to swig source dir: $(SWIG_SOURCE_DIR)" - cd $(SWIG_SOURCE_DIR) - echo "ls" - ls -lh - wget -q https://sourceforge.net/projects/swig/files/swig/swig-4.0.2/swig-4.0.2.tar.gz $(SWIG_SOURCE_DIR) - tar -xf swig-4.0.2.tar.gz - ls -lh - echo "Copying swig content from swig-4.0.2 to SWIG_SOURCE_DIR" - mv swig-4.0.2/** $(SWIG_SOURCE_DIR) - echo "ls" - ls -lh - echo "ls in swig source dir $(SWIG_SOURCE_DIR)" - ls -lh - ./configure --prefix=$(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX) - make -j 12 - make install - echo "ls in swig source dir $(SWIG_SOURCE_DIR)" - ls - echo "cd to swig install dir: $(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - cd $(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX) - echo "ls from SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX: $(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - ls - if [ ! -f "$(SWIG_EXECUTABLE)" ]; then - echo "did not locate swig executable, exiting" - exit - fi - displayName: Install Swig - condition: ne(variables.SWIG_CACHE, 'true') - - script: | - mkdir -p $(SOURCE_DIR) - mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR) - mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR) - displayName: Make directories - - script: | - echo "cd to source dir: $(SOURCE_DIR)" - cd $(SOURCE_DIR) - echo "ls" - ls - echo "Variable PythonRoot set to $(PythonRoot)" - echo "Checking to see whether I can CD to PythonRoot" - cd $(PythonRoot) - echo "cd to build dir $(BUILD_DIR)" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - ls - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PythonLibDir) - cmake -DLLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DRR_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_DIR) -DBUILD_RR_PLUGINS=ON -DBUILD_RR_CAPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_PYTHON=ON -DPython_ROOT_DIR=$(PythonRoot) -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=$(SWIG_EXECUTABLE) -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="x86_64" .. - cmake --build . --target install --config Release -j 12 - displayName: BuildRoadrunnerWithPython - - script: | - echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH" - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PythonLibDir) - echo "cd to isntall dir: $(INSTALL_DIR)" - cd $(INSTALL_DIR) - echo "ls in install dir" - ls - #$(PythonExecutable) site-packages/roadrunner/testing/__main__.py - echo "Switching to build dir: $(BUILD_DIR)" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - echo "ctest --output-on-failure --verbose --extra-verbose --tests-regex python_tests*" - ctest --output-on-failure --verbose --extra-verbose --tests-regex python_tests* - displayName: RunPythonTests - - script: | - # todo workout whether the top few lines are needed now I'm using $(PythonExecutable) - #eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" - #source activate $(PythonName) - #echo "which python: $(which python)" - #echo "which conda: $(which conda)" - #python_exe="$(which python)" - echo "cd to isntall dir: $(INSTALL_DIR)" - cd $(INSTALL_DIR) - echo "ls in install dir" - ls - echo "$(PythonExecutable) setup.py bdist_wheel" - $(PythonExecutable) setup.py bdist_wheel - rm -r build/ - echo "$(PythonExecutable) setup_rrplugins.py bdist_wheel" - $(PythonExecutable) setup_rrplugins.py bdist_wheel - displayName: Generate pip wheel - - - task: CopyFiles@2 - inputs: - contents: '$(INSTALL_DIR)/**' - targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/roadrunner-MacOS11-$(PythonName) - displayName: Copy Install Tree to Staging Area - - task: CopyFiles@2 - inputs: - contents: '$(INSTALL_DIR)/dist/**' - targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/pip-wheels - displayName: Copy Pip Wheels to Staging Area - - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) - artifact: roadrunner-MacOS11-$(PythonName) - displayName: Publish Pip Wheels Artifacts - -######################################################################## -# Windows Build -# - - stage: WindowsBuildRoadrunnerCpp - dependsOn: [] - jobs: - - job: WindowsBuildRoadrunnerCpp - timeoutInMinutes: "0" - displayName: WindowsBuildRoadrunnerCpp - continueOnError: "false" - pool: - vmImage: 'windows-2019' - strategy: - matrix: - 64-bit Windows Release: - BuildType: Release - BuildTests: ON - LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-msvc2022-x64-rel.zip' - 64-bit Windows Debug: - BuildType: Debug - BuildTests: OFF - LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-msvc2022-x64-dbg.zip' - variables: - LLVM_CACHE: 'false' - MinicondaRoot : 'C:\Miniconda' - PythonName: 'py311' - PythonVersion: '3.11' - PythonRoot: '$(MinicondaRoot)\envs\$(PythonName)' - PythonLibDir: '$(PythonRoot)\Lib' - PythonScriptsDir: '$(PythonRoot)\Scripts' - PythonExecutable: '$(PythonRoot)\python.exe' - PipExecutable: '$(PythonScriptsDir)\pip.exe' - - steps: - - checkout: self - submodules: recursive - - powershell: | - echo "SOURCE_DIR $(SOURCE_DIR)" - echo "BUILD_DIR $(BUILD_DIR)" - echo "INSTALL_DIR $(INSTALL_DIR)" - echo "LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - echo "DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - echo "Build.DefinitionName $(Build.DefinitionName)" - echo "System.DefinitionId $(System.DefinitionId)" - echo "Agent.OS $(Agent.OS)" - - echo "System.AccessToken $(System.AccessToken)" - echo "System.CollectionId $(System.CollectionId)" - echo "System.CollectionUri $(System.CollectionUri)" - echo "System.DefaultWorkingDirectory $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)" - echo "System.DefinitionId $(System.DefinitionId)" - echo "System.HostType $(System.HostType)" - echo "System.JobAttempt $(System.JobAttempt)" - echo "System.JobDisplayName $(System.JobDisplayName)" - echo "System.JobId $(System.JobId)" - echo "System.JobName $(System.JobName)" - echo "System.PhaseAttempt $(System.PhaseAttempt)" - echo "System.PhaseDisplayName $(System.PhaseDisplayName)" - echo "System.PhaseName $(System.PhaseName)" - echo "System.StageAttempt $(System.StageAttempt)" - echo "System.StageDisplayName $(System.StageDisplayName)" - echo "System.StageName $(System.StageName)" - echo "System.TeamProject $(System.TeamProject)" - echo "System.TeamProjectId $(System.TeamProjectId)" - echo "TF_BUILD $(TF_BUILD)" - displayName: Print Variables - - powershell: | - mkdir $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) - mkdir $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - displayName: Make Directories - - - powershell: Write-Host "##vso[task.prependpath]$env:CONDA\Scripts" - displayName: Add conda to PATH - - powershell: | - where.exe conda - where.exe python - echo "PythonVersion $(PythonVersion)" - echo "PythonName $(PythonName)" - echo "MinicondaRoot $(MinicondaRoot)" - echo "PythonRoot $(PythonRoot)" - echo "PythonLibDir $(PythonLibDir)" - displayName: PrintPythonVariables - -# - task: Cache@2 -# inputs: -# key: "llvm | $(Agent.OS)" -# path: $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) -# cacheHitVar: LLVM_CACHE - - - script: | - echo "Creating new conda environment" - conda create --quiet --yes --name $(PythonName) python=$(PythonVersion) - echo "pip upgrade:" - $(PipExecutable) install --upgrade pip - echo "pip help:" - $(PipExecutable) install --help - echo "$(PipExecutable) install requests" - $(PipExecutable) install requests - echo "$(PipExecutable) install numpy" - $(PipExecutable) install numpy - displayName: "Setup conda and get NumPy" - - - script: | - echo "$(PythonExecutable) .\.azurepipelines\getLLVM.py $(LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK) $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - $(PythonExecutable) .\.azurepipelines\getLLVM.py $(LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK) $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) - displayName: "Get LLVM" - condition: ne(variables.LLVM_CACHE, 'true') - - - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 - inputs: - source: 'specific' - project: 'libroadrunner-deps' - pipeline: 9 - runVersion: 'latest' - artifact: libroadrunner-deps-$(Agent.OS)-$(BuildType) - path: $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - displayName: Download libroadrunner-deps install artifacts - - powershell: | - echo "$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - echo "cd to $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - cd $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - echo "ls: " - ls - echo "moving contents of $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install to $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - mv $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install-azure/$(BuildType)/** . - rm -R $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install-azure - ls - displayName: Move Dependencies - - powershell: | - echo "Configuring roadrunner" - echo "mkdir build directory: $(BUILD_DIR)" - mkdir $(BUILD_DIR) - echo "CD to build dir: $(BUILD_DIR)" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - cmake -DLLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DRR_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DBUILD_TESTS=$(BuildTests) -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_DIR) -DBUILD_RR_PLUGINS=ON -DBUILD_RR_CAPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$(BuildType) .. - displayName: Run CMake Configure Command - - powershell: | - echo "Building roadrunner" - echo "cd to build dir" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - cmake --build . --target install --config $(BuildType) -j 12 - displayName: Run CMake Build Command - - powershell: | - echo "cd to build dir $(BUILD_DIR)" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - if ('$(BuildType)' -eq "Release"){ - ctest --verbose --extra-verbose --progress - } - displayName: RunCTest - - task: CopyFiles@2 - inputs: - contents: '$(INSTALL_DIR)/**' - targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) - displayName: Copy to Staging Area - - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) - artifact: roadrunner-$(Agent.OS)-$(BuildType) - displayName: Publish - - - stage: WindowsBuildRoadrunnerPython - dependsOn: [] - jobs: - - job: WindowsBuildRoadrunnerPython - timeoutInMinutes: "0" - displayName: WindowsBuildRoadrunnerPython - continueOnError: "false" - pool: - vmImage: 'windows-2019' - strategy: - matrix: - py39: - PythonVersion: 3.9 - PythonName: py39 - py310: - PythonVersion: 3.10 - PythonName: py310 - py311: - PythonVersion: 3.11 - PythonName: py311 - py312: - PythonVersion: 3.12 - PythonName: py312 - variables: - MinicondaRoot : 'C:\Miniconda' - PythonRoot: '$(MinicondaRoot)\envs\$(PythonName)' - PythonLibDir: '$(PythonRoot)\Lib' - PythonScriptsDir: '$(PythonRoot)\Scripts' - PythonExecutable: '$(PythonRoot)\python.exe' - PipExecutable: '$(PythonScriptsDir)\pip.exe' - - # override the variable for swigwin since swig exe is in different place - # on windows build compared to mac and linux - SWIG_EXECUTABLE: '$(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX)/swig.exe' - SWIG_CACHE: 'false' - LLVM_CACHE: 'false' - LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm-13.x-win32-rel.zip' - steps: - - checkout: self - submodules: recursive - - powershell: Write-Host "##vso[task.prependpath]$env:CONDA\Scripts" - displayName: Add conda to PATH - - powershell: | - where.exe conda - where.exe python - # conda update conda -y -c conda-forge - conda install numpy - conda install python=3.11 -c conda-forge - conda --version - echo "PythonVersion $(PythonVersion)" - echo "PythonName $(PythonName)" - echo "MinicondaRoot $(MinicondaRoot)" - echo "PythonRoot $(PythonRoot)" - echo "PythonLibDir $(PythonLibDir)" - displayName: "Update conda and print vars" - - powershell: | - mkdir -p $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) - mkdir -p $(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX) - mkdir -p $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR) - mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR) - displayName: Make Directories - - task: Cache@2 - inputs: - key: "llvm | $(Agent.OS)" - path: $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) - cacheHitVar: LLVM_CACHE - - script: | - echo "Creating new conda environment" - conda create --quiet --yes --name $(PythonName) python=$(PythonVersion) -c conda-forge - echo "pip help:" - $(PipExecutable) install --help - - echo "pip install requests:" - $(PipExecutable) install requests - $(PipExecutable) install numpy - displayName: "Setup conda" - - - script: | - $(PythonExecutable) ./.azurepipelines/getLLVM.py $(LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK) $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) - displayName: "Get LLVM" - condition: ne(variables.LLVM_CACHE, 'true') - - - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 - inputs: - source: 'specific' - project: 'libroadrunner-deps' - pipeline: 9 - runVersion: 'latest' - artifact: libroadrunner-deps-$(Agent.OS)-Release - path: $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - displayName: Download libroadrunner-deps install artifacts - - powershell: | - echo "$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - echo "cd to $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - cd $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - echo "ls: " - ls - echo "moving contents of $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install to $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - mv $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install-azure/Release/** . - rm -r $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install-azure - ls - displayName: Move Dependencies - - task: Cache@2 - inputs: - key: "Swig | $(Agent.OS)" - path: $(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX) - cacheHitVar: SWIG_CACHE - displayName: Cache Swig-4.0.2 - - powershell: | - echo "make swig source dir if not exists" - [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory('$(SWIG_SOURCE_DIR)') - echo "cd to swig source dir: $(SWIG_SOURCE_DIR)" - cd $(SWIG_SOURCE_DIR) - echo "ls" - ls - echo "Invoke-WebRequest" - # note: default user agent does not follow sourceforge redirect. - Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/swig/swigwin/swigwin-4.0.2/swigwin-4.0.2.zip -OutFile swigwin-4.0.2.zip -UserAgent [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::FireFox - echo "ls" - ls - echo "Expand-Archive" - Expand-Archive swigwin-4.0.2.zip -Destination $(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX) - echo "ls" - ls - echo "CD to swig install prefix $(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - cd $(SWIG_INSTALL_PREFIX) - echo "ls" - ls - echo "cd swigwwin-4.0.2" - cd swigwin-4.0.2 - echo " moving contents of swigwin-4.0.2 to .." - mv * .. - cd .. - rm -R swigwin-4.0.2 - echo "ls" - ls - # Note: swig is already built when we download on windows. - displayName: Install Swig - # this condition ensures this task only gets executed when swig cache does not exist - # Note, this may cause a problem if we ever update swig. In this case change the value of the cache key - condition: ne(variables.SWIG_CACHE, 'true') - - powershell: | - echo "where.exe conda" - where.exe conda - echo "where.exe python" - where.exe python - echo "Variable PythonRoot set to $(PythonRoot)" - echo "cd to source dir: $(SOURCE_DIR)" - cd $(SOURCE_DIR) - echo "ls" - ls - echo "Creating new conda environment" - conda create --quiet --yes --name $(PythonName) python=$(PythonVersion) -c conda-forge - echo "pip help:" - $(PipExecutable) install --help - echo "$(PipExecutable) install -q -r $(SOURCE_DIR)/test-requirements.txt and requirements.txt" - $(PipExecutable) install -q -r $(SOURCE_DIR)/test-requirements.txt - $(PipExecutable) install -q -r $(SOURCE_DIR)/requirements.txt - $ENV:PATH="$ENV:PATH;$(PythonScriptsDir)" - echo "cd to build dir $(BUILD_DIR)" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - ls - echo "cmake -DLLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DRR_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_DIR) -DBUILD_RR_PLUGINS=ON -DBUILD_RR_CAPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_PYTHON=ON -DPython_ROOT_DIR=$(PythonRoot) -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=$(SWIG_EXECUTABLE) .." - cmake -DLLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DRR_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_DIR) -DBUILD_RR_PLUGINS=ON -DBUILD_RR_CAPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_PYTHON=ON -DPython_ROOT_DIR=$(PythonRoot) -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=$(SWIG_EXECUTABLE) .. - echo "cmake --build . --target install --config Release -j 12" - cmake --build . --target install --config Release -j 12 - displayName: BuildRoadrunnerWithPython - - powershell: | - echo "cd to isntall dir: $(INSTALL_DIR)" - cd $(INSTALL_DIR) - echo "python exe $(PythonExecutable)" - echo "ls in install dir" - ls - #$(PythonExecutable) site-packages/roadrunner/testing/__main__.py - - echo "Switching to build dir: $(BUILD_DIR)" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - echo "ctest --output-on-failure --verbose --extra-verbose --tests-regex python_tests*" - ctest -C Release --output-on-failure --verbose --extra-verbose --tests-regex python_tests* - displayName: RunPythonTests - - powershell: | - echo "cd to isntall dir: $(INSTALL_DIR)" - cd $(INSTALL_DIR) - echo "ls in install dir" - ls - $(PythonExecutable) setup.py bdist_wheel - rm -r build/ - $(PythonExecutable) setup_rrplugins.py bdist_wheel - displayName: Generate pip wheel - - - task: CopyFiles@2 - inputs: - contents: '$(INSTALL_DIR)/**' - targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/roadrunner-Windows2019-$(PythonName) - displayName: Copy Install Tree to Staging Area - - task: CopyFiles@2 - inputs: - contents: '$(INSTALL_DIR)/dist/**' - targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/pip-wheels - displayName: Copy Pip Wheels to Staging Area - - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) - artifact: roadrunner-Windows2019-$(PythonName) - displayName: Publish Pip Wheels Artifacts - -######################################################################## -# Ubuntu Build -# - - stage: UbuntuBuildRoadrunnerCpp - dependsOn: [ ] - jobs: - - job: UbuntuBuildRoadrunnerCpp - timeoutInMinutes: "0" - displayName: UbuntuBuildRoadrunnerCpp - continueOnError: "false" - pool: - vmImage: 'Ubuntu-latest' - strategy: - matrix: - 64-bit Linux Release: - BuildType: Release - BuildDocs: ON - 64-bit Linux Debug: - BuildType: Debug - BuildDocs: OFF - variables: - MinicondaRoot : '/usr/share/miniconda' - PythonRoot: '$(MinicondaRoot)/' - PythonLibDir: '$(PythonRoot)/lib' - PythonExecutable: '$(PythonRoot)/bin/python' - PipExecutable: '$(PythonRoot)/bin/pip' - SphinxExecutable: '$(PythonRoot)/bin/sphinx-build' - PythonName: 'py311' - PythonVersion: '3.11' - LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK: 'https://github.com/sys-bio/llvm-13.x/releases/download/llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm13-ubuntu-gcc10-rel.tar.gz' - steps: - - checkout: self - submodules: recursive - # we cannot upload prebuilt binaries onto github for linux debug version because of github file size limits. - # therefore we do this build with Release llvm for both debug and release. - - script: | - echo "SOURCE_DIR $(SOURCE_DIR)" - echo "BUILD_DIR $(BUILD_DIR)" - echo "BuildType $(BuildType)" - echo "BuildDocs $(BuildDocs)" - echo "INSTALL_DIR $(INSTALL_DIR)" - echo "LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - echo "DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - echo "Build.DefinitionName $(Build.DefinitionName)" - echo "System.DefinitionId $(System.DefinitionId)" - echo "Agent.OS $(Agent.OS)" - - echo "System.AccessToken $(System.AccessToken)" - echo "System.CollectionId $(System.CollectionId)" - echo "System.CollectionUri $(System.CollectionUri)" - echo "System.DefaultWorkingDirectory $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)" - echo "System.DefinitionId $(System.DefinitionId)" - echo "System.HostType $(System.HostType)" - echo "System.JobAttempt $(System.JobAttempt)" - echo "System.JobDisplayName $(System.JobDisplayName)" - echo "System.JobId $(System.JobId)" - echo "System.JobName $(System.JobName)" - echo "System.PhaseAttempt $(System.PhaseAttempt)" - echo "System.PhaseDisplayName $(System.PhaseDisplayName)" - echo "System.PhaseName $(System.PhaseName)" - echo "System.StageAttempt $(System.StageAttempt)" - echo "System.StageDisplayName $(System.StageDisplayName)" - echo "System.StageName $(System.StageName)" - echo "System.PullRequest.IsFork $(System.PullRequest.IsFork)" - echo "System.PullRequest.PullRequestId $(System.PullRequest.PullRequestId)" - echo "System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber $(System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber)" - echo "System.PullRequest.SourceBranch $(System.PullRequest.SourceBranch)" - echo "System.PullRequest.SourceRepositoryURI $(System.PullRequest.SourceRepositoryURI)" - echo "System.PullRequest.TargetBranch $(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)" - echo "System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri $(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri)" - echo "System.TeamProject $(System.TeamProject)" - echo "System.TeamProjectId $(System.TeamProjectId)" - echo "TF_BUILD $(TF_BUILD)" - displayName: Print Variables - - script: | - mkdir $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) - mkdir $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - displayName: Make Directories - - - task: Cache@2 - inputs: - key: "llvm | $(Agent.OS)" - path: $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) - cacheHitVar: LLVM_CACHE - displayName: Cache llvm - - script: | - echo "gcc $(gcc --version)" - echo "g++ $(g++ --version)" - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install -y gcc-10 g++-10 doxygen dvipng texlive texlive-font-utils texlive-latex-extra graphviz - sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-10 1 - displayName: Install g++10 and doxygen - - script: | - eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" - # conda create -y --name $(PythonName) python=$(PythonVersion) - $(PipExecutable) install requests - displayName: "Install Python via conda" - - script: | - echo "pip install dependencies" - $(PipExecutable) install -r $(SOURCE_DIR)/docs/requirements.txt - displayName: "Install doc requirements" - - script: | - $(PythonExecutable) ./.azurepipelines/getLLVM.py $(LLVM_DOWNLOAD_LINK) $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) - echo "give execute permissions to llvm-config using chmod 777" - chmod 777 $(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX)/bin/llvm-config - displayName: "Get LLVM" - condition: ne(variables.LLVM_CACHE, 'true') - - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 - inputs: - source: 'specific' - project: 'libroadrunner-deps' - pipeline: 9 - runVersion: 'latest' - artifact: libroadrunner-deps-$(Agent.OS)-$(BuildType) - path: $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - displayName: Download libroadrunner-deps install artifacts - - script: | - echo "$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - echo "cd to $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - cd $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) - echo "ls: " - ls - echo "moving contents of $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install to $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)" - mv $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install-azure/$(BuildType)/** . - rm -r $(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/install-azure - ls - displayName: Move Dependencies - - script: | - export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-10 - export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-10 - export C=/usr/bin/gcc-10 - echo "Configuring roadrunner" - echo "mkdir build directory: $(BUILD_DIR)" - mkdir $(BUILD_DIR) - echo "CD to build dir: $(BUILD_DIR)" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - echo "cmake -DLLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DRR_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_DIR) -DBUILD_RR_PLUGINS=ON -DBUILD_RR_CAPI=ON -DBUILD_DOCS=$(BuildDocs) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$(BuildType) -DSPHINX_EXECUTABLE=$(SphinxExecutable) .." - cmake -DLLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DRR_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(DEPS_INSTALL_PREFIX) -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_DIR) -DBUILD_RR_PLUGINS=ON -DBUILD_RR_CAPI=ON -DBUILD_DOCS=$(BuildDocs) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$(BuildType) -DSPHINX_EXECUTABLE=$(SphinxExecutable) .. - displayName: Run CMake Configure Command - - script: | - echo "cd to docs dir" - cd $(SOURCE_DIR)/docs/ - rm -r -f docs-build doxygen-output - displayName: Remove roadrunner docs before re-building - condition: eq(variables.BuildType, 'Release') - - script: | - echo "cd to build dir" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - make roadrunner-docs-doxygen - make roadrunner-docs-sphinx - displayName: Build roadrunner docs - condition: eq(variables.BuildType, 'Release') - - script: | - export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-10 - export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-10 - export C=/usr/bin/gcc-10 - echo "Building roadrunner" - echo "cd to build dir" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - cmake --build . --target install --config $(BuildType) -j 12 - displayName: Run CMake Build Command - - script: | - export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-10 - export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-10 - export C=/usr/bin/gcc-10 - echo "cd to build dir $(BUILD_DIR)" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - if [ "$(BuildType)" == "Release" ]; then - ctest --verbose --extra-verbose --progress - fi - displayName: RunCTest - - task: CopyFiles@2 - inputs: - contents: '$(INSTALL_DIR)/**' - targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) - displayName: Copy to Staging Area - - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) - artifact: roadrunner-$(Agent.OS)-$(BuildType) - displayName: Publish install - - script: | - rm -r $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/* - displayName: Clear staging area - condition: eq(variables.BuildType, 'Release') - - script: | - echo "move docs to installation" - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/docs - mv $(SOURCE_DIR)/docs/docs-build '$(INSTALL_DIR)/docs/docs-build' - mv $(SOURCE_DIR)/docs/doxygen-output '$(INSTALL_DIR)/docs/doxygen-output' - ls '$(INSTALL_DIR)/docs' - displayName: Make Docs - condition: eq(variables.BuildType, 'Release') - - task: CopyFiles@2 - inputs: - contents: '$(INSTALL_DIR)/docs/**' - targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) - displayName: Copy docs to Staging Area - condition: eq(variables.BuildType, 'Release') - - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) - artifact: roadrunner-docs - displayName: Publish docs - condition: eq(variables.BuildType, 'Release') - -######################################################################### -# Many Linux Build -# - - stage: ManyLinux - displayName: ManyLinux2014 - dependsOn: [] - jobs: - - job: - strategy: - matrix: - py39: - PythonVersion: 3.9 - PythonName: py39 - py310: - PythonVersion: 3.10 - PythonName: py310 - py311: - PythonVersion: 3.11 - PythonName: py311 - py312: - PythonVersion: 3.12 - PythonName: py312 - pool: - vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' - container: sysbiouw/roadrunner-manylinux2014:latest - variables: - CCACHE_DIR: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/ccache' - BUILD_DIRECTORY: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/build' - SOURCE_DIRECTORY: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)' - INSTALL_DIRECTORY: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/install-azure' - MinicondaRoot: '/Miniconda3' - PythonRoot: '$(MinicondaRoot)/envs/$(PythonName)' - CondaExecutable: '$(MinicondaRoot)/bin/conda' - PythonExecutable: '$(PythonRoot)/bin/python' - PythonLibDir: '$(PythonRoot)/lib' - PythonIncludeDir: '$(PythonRoot)/include' - PipExecutable: '$(PythonRoot)/bin/pip' - SwigExecutable: '/swig-4.0.2/install-swig-4.0.2/bin/swig' - - steps: - - checkout: self - submodules: recursive - - - script: | - - echo "SOURCE_DIRECTORY $(SOURCE_DIRECTORY)" - if [ ! -d "$(SOURCE_DIRECTORY)" ]; then - echo "Can't find SOURCE_DIRECTORY at $(SOURCE_DIRECTORY)" - exit 1 - fi - - echo "MinicondaRoot $(MinicondaRoot)" - if [ ! -d "$(MinicondaRoot)" ]; then - echo "Can't find MinicondaRoot at $(MinicondaRoot)" - exit 1 - fi - - echo "PythonRoot $(PythonRoot)" - if [ ! -d "$(PythonRoot)" ]; then - echo "Can't find PythonRoot at $(PythonRoot)" - exit 1 - fi - - echo "CondaExecutable $(CondaExecutable)" - if [ ! -f "$(CondaExecutable)" ]; then - echo "Can't find CondaExecutable at $(CondaExecutable)" - exit 1 - fi - - echo "PythonExecutable $(PythonExecutable)" - if [ ! -f "$(PythonExecutable)" ]; then - echo "Can't find PythonExecutable at $(PythonExecutable)" - exit 1 - fi - - echo "PythonLibDir $(PythonLibDir)" - if [ ! -d "$(PythonLibDir)" ]; then - echo "Can't find PythonLibDir at $(PythonLibDir)" - exit 1 - fi - - echo "PythonIncludeDir $(PythonIncludeDir)" - if [ ! -d "$(PythonIncludeDir)" ]; then - echo "Can't find PythonIncludeDir at $(PythonIncludeDir)" - exit 1 - fi - - echo "PipExecutable $(PipExecutable)" - if [ ! -f "$(PipExecutable)" ]; then - echo "Can't find PipExecutable at $(PipExecutable)" - exit 1 - fi - - echo "SwigExecutable $(SwigExecutable)" - if [ ! -f "$(SwigExecutable)" ]; then - echo "Can't find SwigExecutable at $(SwigExecutable)" - exit 1 - fi - - displayName: Print Azure Variables - - - script: | - echo "$(CondaExecutable) shell.bash hook" - eval "$($(CondaExecutable) shell.bash hook)" - $(CondaExecutable) init - - echo ". ~/.bashrc" - . ~/.bashrc - $(CondaExecutable) activate $(PythonName) - - echo "mkdir $(BUILD_DIRECTORY)" - mkdir $(BUILD_DIRECTORY) - - echo "cd $(BUILD_DIRECTORY)" - cd $(BUILD_DIRECTORY) - - $(PipExecutable) install -r $(SOURCE_DIR)/requirements.txt - $(PipExecutable) install -r $(SOURCE_DIR)/test-requirements.txt - - echo "cmake command: cmake -DLLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX=/install-llvm-13.x -DRR_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALL_PREFIX=/install-libroadrunner-deps -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_DIRECTORY) -DBUILD_PYTHON=ON -DBUILD_RR_PLUGINS=ON -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DPython_ROOT_DIR=$(PythonRoot) -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=$(SwigExecutable) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .." - cmake -DLLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX=/install-llvm-13.x -DRR_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALL_PREFIX=/install-libroadrunner-deps -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_DIRECTORY) -DBUILD_PYTHON=ON -DBUILD_RR_PLUGINS=ON -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DPython_ROOT_DIR=$(PythonRoot) -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=$(SwigExecutable) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. - rm -r -f $(SOURCE_DIR)/docs $(SOURCE_DIR)/examples - cmake --build . --target install --config Release -j 12 - - displayName: Build With Python - - script: | - echo ". ~/.bashrc" - . ~/.bashrc - $(CondaExecutable) activate $(PythonName) - - echo "cd'ing to build dir $(BUILD_DIR)" - cd $(BUILD_DIR) - ctest --extra-verbose --output-on-failure --exclude-regex python_tests_RunStochasticTestSuite . - displayName: Run Tests - # Skip stochastic test suite for now because it keeps pushing us over an hour. - # - script: | - # echo ". ~/.bashrc" - # . ~/.bashrc - # $(CondaExecutable) activate $(PythonName) - - # echo "cd'ing to build dir $(BUILD_DIR)" - # cd $(BUILD_DIR) - # ctest --extra-verbose --output-on-failure --tests-regex python_tests_RunStochasticTestSuite . - # displayName: Run Stochastic test suite - - - script: | - echo "cd to $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY)" - cd $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY) - - #Space was filling up, so since we've already installed, we can delete the build directory. - echo "rm $(BUILD_DIRECTORY)" - rm -r $(BUILD_DIRECTORY) - - echo "ls" - ls - - $(PipExecutable) install numpy pytest - echo "$(PythonExecutable) ./setup.py bdist_wheel" - $(PythonExecutable) ./setup.py bdist_wheel - echo "rm -r build/" - rm -r build/ - echo "$(PythonExecutable) ./setup_rrplugins.py bdist_wheel" - $(PythonExecutable) ./setup_rrplugins.py bdist_wheel - - # cd dist - # wheel=$(realpath $(ls)) - # echo "wheel is: $wheel" - # $(PipExecutable) install $wheel - displayName: Build Pip Wheel - - script: | - echo "mv $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY)/* $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/roadrunner-manylinux2014-$(PythonName)" - mkdir $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/roadrunner-manylinux2014-$(PythonName) - mv $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY)/* $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/roadrunner-manylinux2014-$(PythonName) - displayName: Move install to staging directory - - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 - inputs: - pathToPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/roadrunner-manylinux2014-$(PythonName)' - artifactName: roadrunner-ManyLinux2014-$(PythonName) - Parallel: true - ParallelCount: 8 -