- Status: Untested
- Version: 0.2 beta
- Author: Craig Zheng
- Build Date: 14 Sep 2011
- Requirements:
- Symphony 2.2 or higher
- Members 1.0 or higher
A Symphony extension that allows unique Member-to-Entry actions. Useful for developing functionalities like following and voting, or things like "I use this" or "I have this question too".
- Provides a field type allowing any number of "Member Claim" fields to be added to your sections
- Provides an event used to create/remove claims for the currently-logged-in member
- Allows filtering entries by a claimant's member id (e.g. "only entries that I follow")
- Allows sorting entries by claim count (e.g. "sort by number of votes")
Information about installing and updating extensions can be found in the Symphony documentation at http://symphony-cms.com/learn/.
See the event's own documentation after installing.
There are two output modes. The default mode simply outputs an empty element with attributes for the claim count, the field id, and a flag for whether the currently-logged-in member is a claimant for the entry. For example:
<followers count="13" field-id="43" current-member="Yes" />
The list mode, on the other hand, outputs the ids of all claimant members:
<followers count="3" field-id="43" current-member="Yes">
The field id is included in the output because it's required by the event