This Python script uses Selenium to collect IP addresses from the network traffic that occurs when browsing a webpage. This can be especially useful for understanding the services a web page relies on and can assist in debugging and cybersecurity applications.
- The script launches a Selenium controlled Chrome browser instance and navigates to a target website.
- It spawns a separate thread that continuously collects IP addresses associated with requests made by the Selenium controlled browser.
- Once you've finished browsing, the script will stop collecting IP addresses, write them to a file, and then terminate.
The script requires the following:
- Python 3.x
- Selenium
- Selenium Wire
- dns.resolver
- Requests
- Threading
To run the script, use a Python interpreter. Once you're done browsing, press Enter in the terminal to stop the script. The collected IP addresses will be written to a file.
Here is the refactored code with clear variable descriptions:
from seleniumwire import webdriver
import threading
import time
import urllib.parse
import socket
import dns.resolver
import requests
from import Options
def get_ip(target_url, postfix='/32'):
hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(target_url).hostname
return socket.gethostbyname(hostname) + postfix
except socket.gaierror:
response = requests.head(target_url, allow_redirects=True)
return response.headers['Host'] + postfix
except KeyError:
dns_answers = dns.resolver.query(hostname, 'A')
for rdata in dns_answers:
return rdata.address + postfix
except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN:
print('IP not found:', target_url)
def collect_ips(browser_driver, collected_ips, stop_signal):
while not stop_signal.is_set():
for request in browser_driver.requests:
if request.response:
ip = get_ip(request.url)
if ip not in collected_ips:
def save_ips_to_file(collected_ips, filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
for ip in collected_ips:
chrome_options = Options()
browser_driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options)
collected_ips = []
stop_signal = threading.Event()
ip_collection_thread = threading.Thread(target=collect_ips, args=(browser_driver, collected_ips, stop_signal))
input("Press Enter when you're done browsing to stop the script...")
save_ips_to_file(collected_ips, 'ips.txt')