Swift implementation of Multihash -> Self identifying hashes
Multihash is a protocol for differentiating outputs from various well-established cryptographic hash functions, addressing size + encoding considerations.
This package currently doesn't support Blake2b, Blake2s & Blake3. If you're up for the challenge, please feel free to add support!
Include the following dependency in your Package.swift file
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/swift-libp2p/swift-multihash.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.0.1"))
dependencies: [
.product(name: "Multihash", package: "swift-multihash"),
import Multihash
/// Multihash Format
/// <varint hash function code><varint digest size in bytes><hash function output>
/// [.md5, .sha1, .sha2_256, .sha2_512, .sha3_224, .sha3_256, .sha3_384, .sha3_512, .keccak_224, .keccak_256, .keccak_384, .keccak_512]
/// Encoding a Multihash
let multihash = try Multihash(raw: "multihash", hashedWith: .sha1)
multihash.asString(base: .base16) // -> "111488c2f11fb2ce392acb5b2986e640211c4690073e"
multihash.asString(base: .base32PadUpper) // -> "CEKIRQXRD6ZM4OJKZNNSTBXGIAQRYRUQA47A===="
multihash.asString(base: .base58btc) // -> "5dsgvJGnvAfiR3K6HCBc4hcokSfmjj"
multihash.asString(base: .base64Pad) // -> "ERSIwvEfss45KstbKYbmQCEcRpAHPg=="
let multihash = try Multihash(raw: "multihash", hashedWith: .sha2_256)
multihash.asString(base: .base16) // -> "12209cbc07c3f991725836a3aa2a581ca2029198aa420b9d99bc0e131d9f3e2cbe47"
multihash.asString(base: .base32PadUpper) // -> "CIQJZPAHYP4ZC4SYG2R2UKSYDSRAFEMYVJBAXHMZXQHBGHM7HYWL4RY="
multihash.asString(base: .base58btc) // -> "QmYtUc4iTCbbfVSDNKvtQqrfyezPPnFvE33wFmutw9PBBk"
multihash.asString(base: .base64Pad) // -> "EiCcvAfD+ZFyWDajqipYHKICkZiqQgudmbwOEx2fPiy+Rw=="
/// Decoding a Multihash
/// Given a Multibase compliant Multihash String
/// Example
/// "f111488c2f11fb2ce392acb5b2986e640211c4690073e"
/// f 11 14 88c2f11fb2ce392acb5b2986e640211c4690073e
/// <base16> <sha1> <20 bits> <sha1 digest>
let mh = try Multihash(multihash: "f111488c2f11fb2ce392acb5b2986e640211c4690073e")
print(mh.name) // -> "sha1"
print(mh.code) // -> 0x11
print(mh.digest.hexString) // -> "88c2f11fb2ce392acb5b2986e640211c4690073e"
/// Or use the try decodeMultihashBuffer() method
let multihashBuffer = Data(...) // -> 111488c2f11fb2ce392acb5b2986e640211c4690073e
let decoded = try decodeMultihashBuffer(multihashBuffer)
decoded.name // -> "sha1"
decoded.code // -> 0x11
decoded.digest // -> 88c2f11fb2ce392acb5b2986e640211c4690073e (as hex)
decoded.length // -> 20
/// Initializers
Multihash(multihash:String) throws
Multihash(:[UInt8]) throws
Multihash(hexString str:String) throws
Multihash(b58String str:String) throws
Multihash(multibase:String, codec:Codecs) throws
/// Properties
Multihash.asMultibase(_ base: BaseEncoding) -> String
Multihash.asString(base: BaseEncoding) -> String
Contributions are welcomed! This code is very much a proof of concept. I can guarantee you there's a better / safer way to accomplish the same results. Any suggestions, improvements, or even just critiques, are welcome!
Let's make this code better together! 🤝
MIT © 2022 Breth Inc.