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Composable and future-proof network addresses

Table of Contents


Multiaddr aims to make network addresses future-proof, composable, and efficient.

Current addressing schemes have a number of problems.

  • They hinder protocol migrations and interoperability between protocols.
  • They don't compose well. There are plenty of X-over-Y constructions, but only few of them can be addressed in a classic URI/URL or host:port scheme.
  • They don't multiplex: they address ports, not processes.
  • They're implicit, in that they presume out-of-band values and context.
  • They don't have efficient machine-readable representations.

Multiaddr solves these problems by modelling network addresses as arbitrary encapsulations of protocols.

  • support addresses for any network protocol.
  • are self-describing.
  • conform to a simple syntax, making them trivial to parse and construct.
  • have human-readable and efficient machine-readable representations.
  • encapsulate well, allowing trivial wrapping and unwrapping of encapsulation layers.


For more info check out the Multiformats / Multiaddr Spec


Include the following dependency in your Package.swift file

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.0.1"))
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "Multiaddr", package: "swift-multiaddr"),



check out the tests for more examples

import Multiaddr

/// Instantiate a Multiaddr from a String describing your protocol stack 
let addr = try Multiaddr("/dns6/")

/// - Note: This Multiaddr indicates that the server is reachable over `DNS` at `` and is running an `https` server over `tcp` on port 443
/// - Note: This lets a libp2p node know what protocol stack is necessary for communication with this server.


// ▿ /dns6/
//   ▿ addresses: 3 elements
//     ▿ /dns6/
//       - addrProtocol: Multicodec.Codecs.dns6
//       ▿ address: Optional("")
//         - some: ""
//     ▿ /tcp/443
//       - addrProtocol: Multicodec.Codecs.tcp
//       ▿ address: Optional("443")
//         - some: "443"
//     ▿ /https
//       - addrProtocol: Multicodec.Codecs.https
//       - address: nil

/// Address Encapsulation
let ip = try! Multiaddr("/ip4/")
let proto = try! Multiaddr("/udt")

ip.encapsulate(proto) // -> "/ip4/"

/// Address Decapsulation
let full = try! Multiaddr("/ip4/")
let port = try! Multiaddr("/tcp/80")

full.decapsulate(port) // -> "/ip4/"


/// Initializers
Multiaddr.init(_ string: String) throws    
Multiaddr.init(_ bytes: Data) throws 
Multiaddr.init(_ proto: MultiaddrProtocol, address: String?) throws 

/// Methods
/// Data representation of the `Multiaddr`
Multiaddr.binaryPacked() throws -> Data
/// Returns a list of `Protocol` elements contained by this `Multiaddr`, ordered from left-to-right.
Multiaddr.protocols() -> [MultiaddrProtocol] 

/// Returns a list of `Protocol` elements as Multicodec Names contained by this `Multiaddr`, ordered from left-to-right.
Multiaddr.protoNames() -> [String]

/// Returns a list of `Protocol` elements as Multicodec Codes contained by this `Multiaddr`, ordered from left-to-right.
Multiaddr.protoCodes() -> [UInt64] 

/// Encapsulation
Multiaddr.encapsulate(_ other: Multiaddr) -> Multiaddr 
Multiaddr.encapsulate(_ other: String) throws -> Multiaddr
Multiaddr.encapsulate(proto: MultiaddrProtocol, address:String?) throws -> Multiaddr

/// Decapsulation
Multiaddr.decapsulate(_ other: Multiaddr) -> Multiaddr
Multiaddr.decapsulate(_ other: String) -> Multiaddr
Multiaddr.decapsulate(_ other: MultiaddrProtocol) -> Multiaddr

/// Other Methods
/// Removes and returns the last `Address` of this `Multiaddr`.
Multiaddr.pop() -> Address?

/// Extracts a PeerID from the Multiaddress if one exists, otherwise returns nil
Multiaddr..getPeerID() -> String? 

/// Extracts a Unix Path from the Multiaddress if one exists, otherwise returns nil
Multiaddr.getPath() -> String?


Contributions are welcomed! This code is very much a proof of concept. I can guarantee you there's a better / safer way to accomplish the same results. Any suggestions, improvements, or even just critques, are welcome!

Let's make this code better together! 🤝



MIT © 2022 Breth Inc.


Composable and future-proof network addresses








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