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a4 - A Chess Engine

a4 is a (work-in-progress) chess engine. It is the fourth incarnation of the apollo family of chess engines:

  1. swgillespie/apollo contains versions one and two of the apollo engine, both written in Rust. Version 1 never played chess, but implemented the rules correctly. Version 2 plays chess at a beginner level but is plagued by poor search and evaluation. After abandoning version 3, I returned to version 2 and taught it to play from an opening book, which allowed it to occasionally beat strong beginner players.
  2. swgillespie/apollo3 contains version three of the apollo engine, this time written in C++. Version 3 played chess at a beginner level but was riddled with bugs in its search code.

As the fourth incarnation of apollo, a4 aims to synthesize all of my learnings from its previous lives and come away with a stronger chess engine. a4 cribbed a lot of code from apollo v2.

I've been working on the apollo family of chess engines on and off for four years. When I first learned to program the first large program I attempted to write was a chess engine, but at the time I wasn't a skilled enough programmer to pull it off. Chess programming is near and dear to my heart and I have a ton of fun hacking on this project.

Some technical details and decisions about a4, as informed by its previous lives:

  1. a4 is a copy-make engine. There are two approaches to applying a move to a chess position; either you copy the game state and destructively modify it to reflect the move, or you incrementally update the game state and unmake any changes you made to undo the move. If you think about it, in theory copy-make is probably slower than make-unmake, but apollo3 was a make-unmake and it was slower than apollo2. I implemented make-unmake in a4, measured it, and found that Rust's clone implementation beats it no matter how much I optimize unmake. Furthermore, the unmake function is hard to write and hard to get correct, while clone is obvious and impossible to mess up.
  2. a4 is a UCI engine. UCI is the standard protocol for chess GUIs to interact with engines. It's what Stockfish uses, and if it's good enough for Stockfish, it's good enough for me. There's also a bunch of nice tooling for engines that speak UCI such as integration into chess GUIs (so you can actually play the bot) to scripting. apollo v2 had a program that hosted two copies of itself and made them play eachother, for testing changes that could influence the strength of the engine.
  3. a4 is parallel. Chess is a famously hard problem to parallelize. The strategy that a4 aims to use is dubbed Lazy-SMP; the goal is to have a single shared hashtable data structure that caches information about specific positions (the transposition table) and have a number of threads search using it. It's not the most theoretically beautiful algorithm, but it does produce effective speedups on a SMP machine. apollo v2 attempted to parallelize its search using rayon and crossbeam, but this proved difficult to get correct and rayon's use of small tasks is not particularly well-suited to the problem of searching chess positions.

a4's current state is that it fully implements the game of chess (with lots of tests). Evaluation and search is currently in progress. Code for dealing with UCI is likely to be lifted directly from apollo v2.


Measured via the STS test harness (see a4/

a4 - 4122 Stockfish 0 - 4691 Stockfish 1 - 4567 (lol) ... Stockfish 20 - 11390