-run : sls create -t aws-nodejs -p rest-api && cd rest-api
-This command will scaffold out all the necessary files and code to create our Lambda functions and API Gateway events. It will do this in the path we gave it with the -p flag. Meaning it will create a directory named rest-api.
-run : npm install
-This will download all your dependencies.
click on below link
and setup your cluster and credentials to connect to your database. also download Studio 3T to connect to the database and see the tables. also create a variable.env file in the root directory and inside that set DB=(your connection link with password)
-click above link to download Mongo client.
-run: sls offline start --skipCacheInvalidation
- then go to postman and POST on http://localhost:3000/notes some JSON body with "title": "any title" and "description": "any description " value. similarly perform GET, PUT, and DELETE by providing id as endpoint e.g, : - http://localhost:3000/notes/some-id
-run : sls deploy
- note: uncomment 'api.insert(event.body)' and comment 'api.insert(JSON.parse(event.body))' in 'handler.js' file when deploying on serverless.
-run : sls remove sreverless-api