copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2021-06-11 |
company information, company details, company account, company profile, company contact |
account |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:tip: .tip} {:note: .note} {:important: .important} {:screen: .screen}
{: #contact-info}
Each {{}} account includes a company profile that contains company information and details about the primary account holder. You can use data from the company profile when you set up contacts and user profiles. You can have various account-specific contacts that are used in association with services available in the account. If you have administrative access or higher, you can update your company contact information. {:shortdesc}
{: #customer-profile}
To request an update to the company profile details, go to Manage > Account in the {{}} console, and select Company profile. After you request an update to the company profile, a classic infrastructure team member reviews the request. If any additional information is needed, our team asks for updates by updating the case.
{{}} uses the information in the company profile to contact you. If your phone number or email changes, be sure to update them. The company profile information is entered when the account was created.
{: #account-contact}
Company contacts are created when certain products or services are ordered. For example, when a Regional Internet Registry (RIR) report is requested or a domain is ordered, a company contact is created. To edit a company contact, go to Manage > Account in the console, and select Company contacts. Keep the information about the company contacts complete and up-to-date in case an inquiry is required.
Ensure that the company contacts are the appropriate people to be contacted for each type of request. You might have multiple contact entries for each account, but only one contact for each type of service. Company-specific contact information doesn't include the account profile, which is the primary contact information that is associated with an account.
Verify the information before you make the update. After you submit the new contact information, the company contacts are updated immediately. {: important}