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File metadata and controls

51 lines (40 loc) · 3.1 KB


Lua to Sqlite database program and simple CLI to do queries

Image of schematic viewing

How it works

The ZonamaDev server and Core3 produces a Lua file that contains all resources to ever exist on the test server. This program will load that file and make a Sqlite3 database with a name of your choosing.

  1. Copy the resource_manager_spawns.lua file somewhere it's easy to access or use a helper shell script to grab it
  2. Run the program and do the setup. Give it the .lua filename and database name and it will make it(you can leave it as resource_manager_spawns.lua or change it, makes no difference)
  3. Use the CLI or any other Sqlite3 interface to run queries
  4. Enjoy!

Solution built with MS VS 2019 Makefile for ZonamaDev

Usage tips

  • Most important function is with weights and schematics. The default weight is the first one listed in weights.lua
  • Select option 4 to choose a different weight
  • Once you have the weight you want, select the schematic in option 5 and it will query each listed resource type and class to find the top resources for it currently in the database
  • Create a new up to date database as often as you want. Every day, every week, every month, doesn't matter

Linux/ZonamaDev install

  1. Run the setup script(usually need to allow permission to run it. Right click and select properties, go to permissions and check the box for running) and it will copy all neccesary files to the desktop/SWGResourceDatabase folder and then run the makefile
  2. ./setup is the command to run it after allowing it to be run. Run in the same folder setup is located in. Top directory after cloning
  3. Use the supplied sample shell scripts to assist with copying the dump file, loading, and creating your databases.
  4. Again these scripts need to be right clicked->properties->permissions->check allow to run as program in order to work

Settings files

settings.lua controls diffrent display controls for queries weights.lua define the weights to use for average weighted searches. Displayed in order. First defined weight is the default. schematics.lua define the schematics(don't have to be ingame schematics) that use the current weight. Displayed in the program in the order they appear in the file

  • Resource types and classes are defined in constantsV1.cpp. You use the NON pretty versions. Sample lua files are provided which show both to get an idea how it works. More schematics and weights will be added over time.

Sample shell scripts

  • Assist with loading or creating a database without repeated user input. ZonamaDev script to copy the resource dump file
  • Windows samples are in shell_scripts/windows folder
  • Linux shells are in shell_scripts/linux


  • Lua 5.3
  • Sqlite3
  • C++11

License info

My code is under the MIT license but Lua and Sqlite have their own.

Lib name Lib version Website License
Lua 5.3.4
Sqlite 3