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/ grade Public archive

Track Go benchmark performance over time by storing results in InfluxDB


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grade transforms Go benchmark data into various format so that you can upload the data to a database and track the performance over time.

This is a fork of the influxdata/grade. The main reason for the forking the project is the support of various drivers, such as Json and MongoDB.


Using brew

brew install sv-tools/apps/grade


docker pull

Go way

To install the latest master:

go get

Binary mode

Download a build for your OS from the latest release.

The checksum is signed by gpg key 7D76B375F08A7D93584B36D766538F03CDA385C7


Although you can pipe the output of go test directly into grade or pass the list of files as agruments, for now we recommend placing the output of go test in a file first so that if something goes wrong, you don't have to wait again to run all the benchmarks.

For example, to run all the benchmarks in your current Go project:

go test -run=XXX -bench= ... -benchmem ./... > bench.log

Then, assuming you are in the directory of your Go project and git has checked out the same commit corresponding with the tests that have run, this is the bare set of options to load the benchmark results via grade:


grade json \
  --tag "hardwareID=my dev machine" \
  --tag "goVersion=$(go version | cut -d' ' -f3-)" \
  --tag "revision=$(git log -1 --format=%H)" \
  --tag "branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" \
  --timestamp="$(git log -1 --format=%ct)" \

Notes on this style of invocation:

  • The hardware ID is a string that you specify to identify the hardware on which the benchmarks were run.

  • The Go version subcommand will produce a string like go1.6.2 darwin/amd64, but you can use any string you'd like.

  • The revision subcommand is the full SHA of the commit, but feel free to use a git tag name or any other string.

  • The branch subcommand is the name of the current branch. The -branch flag is optional. The above arguments are the custom tags, you can define as many as you want tags with any names and values.

  • The timestamp is a Unix epoch timestamp in seconds. The above subcommand produces the Unix timestamp for the committer of the most recent commit. This assumes that the commits whose benchmarks are being run, all are ascending in time; git does not enforce that commits' timestamps are ascending, so if this assumption is broken, your data may look strange when you visualize it. The timestamp is an optional argument, not a tag. You can pass a time in Unix or RFC3339 format. If the tag is not set, then will be used a current timestamp. In case of Json the local time is used, for InfluxDB and MongoGo will be used a server's time.


    "allocedBytesPerOp": 0,
    "allocsPerOp": 0,
    "branch": "mongodb",
    "coverage": 0,
    "goArch": "amd64",
    "goOS": "darwin",
    "goVersion": "go1.13.5 darwin/amd64",
    "hardwareID": "my dev machine",
    "mbPerS": 0,
    "n": 578371,
    "name": "Fib",
    "nsPerOp": 2155,
    "package": "",
    "procs": 16,
    "revision": "e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec",
    "timestamp": "2020-01-02T14:24:18-06:00"
    "allocedBytesPerOp": 0,
    "allocsPerOp": 0,
    "branch": "mongodb",
    "coverage": 0,
    "goArch": "amd64",
    "goOS": "darwin",
    "goVersion": "go1.13.5 darwin/amd64",
    "hardwareID": "my dev machine",
    "mbPerS": 0,
    "n": 4771570,
    "name": "FibParallel",
    "nsPerOp": 261,
    "package": "",
    "procs": 16,
    "revision": "e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec",
    "timestamp": "2020-01-02T14:24:18-06:00"
    "allocedBytesPerOp": 0,
    "allocsPerOp": 0,
    "branch": "mongodb",
    "coverage": 0,
    "goArch": "amd64",
    "goOS": "darwin",
    "goVersion": "go1.13.5 darwin/amd64",
    "hardwareID": "my dev machine",
    "mbPerS": 0,
    "n": 587794,
    "name": "FibDriver",
    "nsPerOp": 2096,
    "package": "",
    "procs": 16,
    "revision": "e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec",
    "timestamp": "2020-01-02T14:24:18-06:00"
    "allocedBytesPerOp": 0,
    "allocsPerOp": 0,
    "branch": "mongodb",
    "coverage": 0,
    "goArch": "amd64",
    "goOS": "darwin",
    "goVersion": "go1.13.5 darwin/amd64",
    "hardwareID": "my dev machine",
    "mbPerS": 0,
    "n": 4550692,
    "name": "FibParallelDriver",
    "nsPerOp": 271,
    "package": "",
    "procs": 16,
    "revision": "e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec",
    "timestamp": "2020-01-02T14:24:18-06:00"


grade influx \
  --connection-url="" \
  --database="grade_benchmarks" \
  --measurement="go" \
  --tag "hardwareID=my dev machine" \
  --tag "goVersion=$(go version | cut -d' ' -f3-)" \
  --tag "revision=$(git log -1 --format=%H)" \
  --tag "branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" \
  --timestamp="$(git log -1 --format=%ct)" \

The data from Go benchmarks tends to be very time-sparse (up to perhaps dozens of commits per day), so we recommend creating your database with an infinite retention and a large shard duration. Issue this command to your InfluxDB instance:


The common flags are same with Json flags, but the influx has some additional:

  • --connection-url is a connection url. Basic auth credentials can be embedded in the URL if needed. HTTPS is supported; supply --insecure if you need to skip SSL verification. If you set it to an empty string "", grade will print line protocol to stdout.
  • --database is a name of a Database, defaults to benchmarks.
  • --measurement is not provided but defaults to go.


go,branch=mongodb,goArch=amd64,goOS=darwin,goVersion=go1.13.5\ darwin/amd64,hardwareID=my\ dev\ machine,name=Fib,,procs=16,revision=e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec allocedBytesPerOp=0i,allocsPerOp=0i,coverage=0,n=578371i,nsPerOp=2155 1577996658000000000
go,branch=mongodb,goArch=amd64,goOS=darwin,goVersion=go1.13.5\ darwin/amd64,hardwareID=my\ dev\ machine,name=FibParallel,,procs=16,revision=e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec allocedBytesPerOp=0i,allocsPerOp=0i,coverage=0,n=4771570i,nsPerOp=261 1577996658000000000
go,branch=mongodb,goArch=amd64,goOS=darwin,goVersion=go1.13.5\ darwin/amd64,hardwareID=my\ dev\ machine,name=FibDriver,,procs=16,revision=e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec allocedBytesPerOp=0i,allocsPerOp=0i,coverage=0,n=587794i,nsPerOp=2096 1577996658000000000
go,branch=mongodb,goArch=amd64,goOS=darwin,goVersion=go1.13.5\ darwin/amd64,hardwareID=my\ dev\ machine,name=FibParallelDriver,,procs=16,revision=e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec allocedBytesPerOp=0i,allocsPerOp=0i,coverage=0,n=4550692i,nsPerOp=271 1577996658000000000

For each benchmark result from a run of go test -bench:

  • Tags:

    • All the tags passed to grade as --tag.
    • package is the name of Go package containing the benchmark, e.g.
    • name is the name of the benchmark function, stripped of the Benchmark prefix, e.g. Fib.
    • goArch is the architecture of your machine, e.g. amd64.
    • goOS is your operating system, e.g. darwin.
    • procs is the number of CPUs used to run the benchmark. This is a tag because you are more likely to group by procs rather than chart them over time.
  • Fields:

    • n is the number of iterations in the benchmark.
    • allocedBytesPerOp is the allocated bytes per iteration of the benchmark.
    • allocsPerOp is how many allocations occurred per iteration of the benchmark.
    • mbPerS is how many megabytes processed per second when running the benchmark.
    • nsPerOp is the number of wall nanoseconds taken per iteration of the benchmark.
    • coverage is the percentage of code coverage for unit testing.


grade mongo \
  --connection-url="" \
  --database="grade_benchmarks" \
  --collection="go" \
  --tag "hardwareID=my dev machine" \
  --tag "goVersion=$(go version | cut -d' ' -f3-)" \
  --tag "revision=$(git log -1 --format=%H)" \
  --tag "branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" \
  --timestamp="$(git log -1 --format=%ct)" \

The differnce is that this requires --collection tag instead of --measurement


[{"allocedBytesPerOp":0,"allocsPerOp":0,"branch":"mongodb","coverage":0,"goArch":"amd64","goOS":"darwin","goVersion":"go1.13.5 darwin/amd64","hardwareID":"my dev machine","mbPerS":0,"n":578371,"name":"Fib","nsPerOp":2155,"package":"","procs":"16","revision":"e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec","timestamp":"2020-01-02T14:24:18-06:00"},{"allocedBytesPerOp":0,"allocsPerOp":0,"branch":"mongodb","coverage":0,"goArch":"amd64","goOS":"darwin","goVersion":"go1.13.5 darwin/amd64","hardwareID":"my dev machine","mbPerS":0,"n":4771570,"name":"FibParallel","nsPerOp":261,"package":"","procs":"16","revision":"e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec","timestamp":"2020-01-02T14:24:18-06:00"},{"allocedBytesPerOp":0,"allocsPerOp":0,"branch":"mongodb","coverage":0,"goArch":"amd64","goOS":"darwin","goVersion":"go1.13.5 darwin/amd64","hardwareID":"my dev machine","mbPerS":0,"n":587794,"name":"FibDriver","nsPerOp":2096,"package":"","procs":"16","revision":"e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec","timestamp":"2020-01-02T14:24:18-06:00"},{"allocedBytesPerOp":0,"allocsPerOp":0,"branch":"mongodb","coverage":0,"goArch":"amd64","goOS":"darwin","goVersion":"go1.13.5 darwin/amd64","hardwareID":"my dev machine","mbPerS":0,"n":4550692,"name":"FibParallelDriver","nsPerOp":271,"package":"","procs":"16","revision":"e9fb4afc7bf1afcf6b98af1ccc3077f5c50ab8ec","timestamp":"2020-01-02T14:24:18-06:00"}]

Or with a non-empty --connection-url:

./grade mongo --connection-url="mongodb://admin:secret@localhost:27017" bench.log

the output contains Object IDs:
