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This repository maintains code for the model-targeted poisoning attacks. The KKT attack is adapted from its original github repository. Our experiments on deep neural networks are in a separate folder dnn and you can find more instructions inside the folder.

Install Dependencies

The program requires the following key dependencies: python 2.7, numpy, cvxpy (version 0.4.11), scikit-learn, scipy, matplotlib. You can directly install these dependencies by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Gurobi optimizer, if needed, can be setup by obtaining a license and following instructions here.

Run the Code

Please follow the instructions below to reproduce the results shown in the paper:

  1. unzip the file and you will see folder files, which contains the Adult, MNIST-17 and Dogfish datasets used for evaluation in the paper. In addition, we also provide the target classifiers for each dataset in the folder files/target_classifiers.
  2. Skip this step if you wish to use the target classifiers we provide. Else, you can generate the target classifiers by running the command below. To generate target classifiers for other datasets, replace adult with mnist_17 or dogfish in the command below. To obtain results on logistic regression model, replace svm with lr. In the paper, we also improved the target model generation process for the MNIST-17 dataset and the SVM model, and if you wish to use improved target model, add --improved in the command below.
python --dataset adult --model_type svm
  1. To run our attack, please use the command below. Again, replace adult with mnist_17 or dogfish to run the attack on other datasets. Replace svm with lr to run the attack on logistic regression model. For the MNIST-17 dataset, if you wish to attack the improved target classifier, add --improved in the command below. By feeding different values to --rand_seed, we can repeat the attack process for multiple times and obtain more stable results. Results in the paper can be reproduced by feeding the seeds 12,23,34,45 individually to --rand_seed.
python --rand_seed 12 --dataset adult --model_type svm
  1. Once the attack is finished, run the following command to obtain the averaged results of the attack, which will be saved in directory files/final_reslts in .csv form. Replace dataset if necessary and if you used different random seeds for --rand_seed from above, please change the random_seeds specified in the source file. You can find the number of poisoning points used and also the computed lower bound in the csv file.
python --dataset adult --model_type svm
  1. To generate the test accuracies (after poisoning) reported in Table 1 and Table 2 in the paper, run the following command to get the averaged results. Change datasets and model types if necessary.
python --dataset adult --model_type svm 
  1. To reproduce the figures in the paper, run the following command. Replace the dataset if necessary and also be careful if the random seeds are different from the ones used above and change accordingly in the source file.
python --dataset adult --model_type svm


code for model-targeted poisoning






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