Current Version: ScriptDev2 - 0.8 (17 November 2014)
-Classic (1.12.1), see -
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-TBC (2.4.3), see -
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-WotLK (3.3.5a), see -
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-Cata (4.3.4), see -
1. Milestone ScriptDev2 - 0.8
-1.1. General
-Implemented various missing quest scripts and similar events -
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-Implemented many missing escort quests -
1.2. WotLK content
-Implemented full script for Ulduar -
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-Implemented full script for Culling of Stratholme -
1.3. TBC content
-Implemented script for event boss Headless Horseman -
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-Various improvements and bug fixes -
1.4. Classic content
-Implemented script for boss Viscidus in AQ40 -
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-Various improvements and bug fixes -
1.4.1. Statistics
-Total number of changes: over 144 revisions -
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-Fixed many bugs from forum and issues from github -
2. Milestone ScriptDev2 - 0.7
-2.1. General
-Unify texts loading with the core -
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-Implemented support for ScriptEffect spell hooks -
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-Implemented various missing quest scripts and similar events -
2.2. WotLK content
-Finished script content for Death Knight area and Obsidian Sanctum -
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-Implemented full script for Oculus and Pit of Saron instances -
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-Improved script for the following dungeons or bosses: Ruby Sanctum, Halls of Stone, Ormorok, Hadronox, Herald Volazj, Skadi and Sapphiron -
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-Implemented various missing achievements -
2.3. TBC content
-Implemented script support for the Chess event, SSC water and Simon game -
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-Improved script for the following dungeons or bosses: Felmyst, Kil’jaeden, Zul’jin, Al’ar, Shadow Labyrinth, Black Temple, Nazan and Vazruden and Netherspite -
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-Implemented Year event boss - Ahune -
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-Implemented Zul’Aman and Shattered Halls loot modes. -
2.4. Classic content
-Improve script for the following dungeons or bosses: Razorgore, Archaedas, Zul’farrak, Ruins of AQ, Baroness Anastari and Zul’gurub -
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-Implemented Dire Maul loot modes (tribute run event) -
2.4.1. Statistics
-Total number of changes: over 166 revisions (183 commits) -
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-Lots of bugs from forum and issues from github fixed -
3. Milestone ScriptDev2 - 0.6
-3.1. General
-Added distinct script library support for all the server versions -
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-Unified instance handling and added some generic patterns -
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-Added support for spell scripts -
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-Added support for world scripts for more complicated events -
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-Codestyle cleanup on all scripts -
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-Convert many old scripts to EventAI -
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-Convert many old gossip scripts to DB-gossip system -
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-Added script placeholders for future 4.x content -
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-Implemented various missing quest scripts and similar events -
3.2. WotLK content
-Added script content for the following dungeons: Azjol Nerub, Ahn-Kahet, Drak’tharon Keep, Gundrak, Halls of Stone, Oculus, Utgarde Keep, Utgarde Pinnacle, Violet Hold, Nexus -
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-Finished raid script for Naxxramas and Onyxia -
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-Added partial script content for the following: Eye of Eternity, Ruby Sanctum, Trial of the Crusader, Ulduar, Death Knight area quests. -
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-Added some basic script support for all bosses in Icecrown Citadel -
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-Implemented Year event boss - Apothecary Hummel -
3.3. TBC content
-Cleanup and improve all the existing scripts by removing workarounds and adding missing content for all dungeons and raids. -
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-Added script for the following dungeons or bosses: Arcatraz, Blood Furnace, Sunwell Plateau, A’lar, The Lurker Below, Malacras, Zul’jin. -
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-Improve scripts for: Auchenai Crypts, Sethekk Halls, Shadow Labyrinth, Black Morass, Old Hillsbrad Foothills, Steamvault, Shattered Halls, Botanica, Mechanar, Karazhan, Black Temple, The Eye, Serperntshrine Cavern, Zul’Aman. -
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-Properly downgraded Naxxramas and Onyxia for TBC and Classic versions -
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-Implemented Year event boss - Coren Direbrew -
3.4. Classic content
-Implemented epic quests script for the opening of Ahn’Qiraj and Onyxia events. -
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-Cleanup and improve all the existing scripts by removing workarounds and adding missing content for all dungeons and raids. -
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-Added or substantially improved script for the following dungeons: Blackrock Depths, Deathmines, Dire Maul, Gnomeregan, Razorfen Kraul, Shadowfang Keep, Sunken Temple, Wailing Caverns, Uldaman, Ruins of AQ -
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-Improve script for the following dungeons: Blackrock Spire, Blackfathom Deeps, Marauudon, Scholomance, Stratholme, Blackwing Lair, Molten Core, Emerald Dragons, Temple of AQ, Zul’Gurub -
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-Properly downgraded Lord Kazzak for Classic version -
3.4.1. Statistics
-Total number of changes: over 1300 revisions (1300 commits) -
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-Lots of bugs from forum and issues from github fixed -