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Ansible Practise

Introduction to Ansible and Basics.

Ansible Documentation

Installing Ansible in centos

Ansible is part of the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository so you need to install epel-release package first

$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum repolist

Now you can go ahead and install ansible

$ sudo yum install ansible

Ansible Inventory

  • Ansible can interact with one more servers at a time. To interact ansible will use

    • SSH for Linux
    • Power Shell Remoting for Windows
  • Ansible is Agentless - No client software is needed on servers.

  • Information about the target machines will be stored in a inventory file.

    • Default Inventory file for ansible is available at /etc/ansible/hosts
  • Ansible Inventory Parameters

    • ansible_host - used to specify fqdn or ip address of a server
    • ansible_connection - Defines how ansible connects to target server (ssh, winrm etc)
    • ansible_port - Defines which port to connect to. (By default configured to port-22)
    • ansible_user - The login details ( linux - root/ windows - administrator)
    • ansible_ssh_pass - The ssh password for linux
    • ansible_password - The password for windows

A ansible Groups will be created like


A ansible Parent child groups will be created like


Sample Inventory Files by using Inventory Parameters are here.

To run an ansible command aganist a host

ansible <hostname> -m <modulename>
ansible <hostname> -a <command>             
To specify the inventory file:
ansible <hostname> -m <modulename> -i <inventoryfile>           

Ansible Playbooks

  • Running a series of instructions on different servers in a sequence and restarting the servers in a particular order.
  • How a Play Book is writtened:
Playbook - single YAML file
  * play - Defines a Set of activities(tasks) to be run n hosts.
    * Task - An action to be perfomed on the host
      * Execute a Command
      * Run a script
      * Install a package
      * Shutdown/Restart
  • The each task execute by a Playbook is called Ansible Module
To get the list of modules available with ansible, use the following command:
ansible-doc -l

Ansible playbook help command

ansible-playbook --help

To run the ansible playbook

ansible-playbook <playbook name> -i <inventoryfile>

Ansible Modules

  • Ansible Modules are categorized into different types. They are as follows:
    • system -> actions to be performed at system level. (modifying users, firewalls, stopping and starting services etc)
    • commands -> Used to execute commands or scripts on target machines.
    • Files -> Help to work with files
    • Databases
    • Cloud
    • windows -> to work with windows
    • ...

Ansible Variables

  • Ansible Variables can create either in inventory file or in playbook file.
  • Either we can create seperate file to maintain variable information.

To create a variable in playbook file

  dns_server: <server_value>

To use the variables in inventory file

# sample inventory file
server1 variable1=<value> variable2=<value>

To use the variables from an external file

# sample variable file - variable.yaml

variable1: <value>
variable2: <value>
variable3: <value>

Variable usage

It to use directly - `{{variableName}}`
Inside a sentence - Inside a {{variableName}} sentence.

Conditional Statements & Loops in Ansible

When Condition

  • We can use AND and OR to check multiple conditions.
  - name : <name>
      name: nginx 
      state: present
    when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"

Register Usage

  • Register is used to store the value of the command executed.
Sample Usage:
            shell: 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'
            register: command_output

Loops Usage

  • loop previously names as [with_*] in ansible.
  • To run same set of commands multiple times.
Sample Usage:
  name: create users
  hosts: localhost
   - user: name= '{{item}}' state=present
       - user1
       - user2
       - user3
Sample Usage:
  name: create users
  hosts: localhost
   - user: name= '{{}}' uid='{{}}' state=present
       - name: user1
         id: 1
       - name: user2
         id: 2
       - name: user3
         id: 3

Ansible Roles

  • Asigning a role means

    • Installing pre-requisities
    • Installing packages
    • Configuring services
    • Configuring users and others
  • Sample Roles are - mysql, nginx, redis, monitor, backup etc..

  • For every task you no need to create your own role. You can make use of exsting roles (in ansible galaxy).

  • /etc/ansible/roles is the default location where ansible searches for the roles.

To search for an existing role

ansible-galaxy search <roleName>.   -> will search for role in ansible galaxy.

To install an existing role

ansible-galaxy install <roleName>.   -> will install role from ansible galaxy.

To Create a Role

ansible-galaxy init <roleName>.   -> will create a directory structure as required for a new role.