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Peter Mangiafico edited this page Dec 16, 2024 · 7 revisions

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Check EC2

This will become deprecated at some point. Info as of Dec 16 2024

  1. Find IP address for EC2 instance. It is pinned in slack in #dlss-text-extraction channel.
  2. SSH into instance. You will need your public SSH key placed on the server for authentication. Ask for help if needed.
  3. speech-to-text repo has been cloned on the instance. It is in the speech-to-text folder.
  4. The .env files are placed on the server with specific configuration.
  5. The code is updated from Github via a git pull.
  6. If you need to build an updated container, look in history for docker build command in order to build the updated container. Command is docker build --tag sul-speech-to-text . Note that you must be in the speech-to-text folder to build the image.
  7. Building the container may take a while.
  8. docker images shows the built images
  9. docker ps shows the running images with container IDs
  10. docker logs <CONTAINER ID> shows the logs from the running container. Add a --follow to follow the logs.
  11. docker stop <CONTAINER ID> to force stop it from running.
  12. docker rmi <IMAGE ID> to remove old images to save space. You may need to remove the container first with docker rm <CONTAINER ID>. docker ps -a to see containers.
  13. docker run --rm --detach --env-file --gpus all sul-speech-to-text to start it up again.
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