- Scrub the project (and its git history) for passwords, keys, and other sensitive information
- There are several ways to do this and if you don't already have tools/techniques you lean on here, you can consider using truffleHog for finding secrets and BFG Repo-Cleaner for wiping them out. Note too that you will need to force-push the changes to the repository you're working with.
- Is the project deployed to any machines? If so, make an operations-tasks ticket to decommission the machine.
- Is the project a dependency or service used by other sul-dlss projects?
- If the project is a gem, update the gem's description on RubyGems (e.g. DEPRECATED: this gem is no longer being supported)
- Move the repo to sul-dlss-deprecated ownership
- [OPTIONAL] Change the README and/or GitHub repository description to provide context around the deprecation (why? when? anything superseding? etc.)
- [OPTIONAL] Archive the repository on GitHub, making it read-only